Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and the Unravelers for Unraveled Wednesday. Last week I was working on two Sockhead Cowls, but I decided that I would rather work on one faster than two slowly. Now that I'm past the ribbing, it's just stockinette. I can see to knit stockinette, even at night, so I chose the purple Monkshood* one. I really love this color and would like to wear it while there is still some winter left.

I finished a couple of three-star books (The Gown and The Library Book), am still reading The Gift of the Deer, and started Golden Child. The latter is off to a good start, but it's disturbing so I can't read it before bed. It's not gory, but the book opens with the disappearance of a teenage son and his father has spent all night searching the brush in Trinidad looking for him. I'm a little concerned about what lies ahead in the book. I had awful dreams and spent Monday night tossing and turning, so maybe I'm a bit sensitive to stories about sons. This hasn't happened before (actually, I've just remembered that it did when I read Cujo years ago), but now I put Golden Child down by mid-afternoon.

What are you making and reading this week?

*I know Monkshood is a plant, but I did not know that it is the same thing as aconite or wolfsbane, has beautiful purple flowers, and all parts of the plant are extremely poisonous. Oral administration is the usual route (in wine in Greek mythology or fettucine in Midsomer Murders), but poisoning can occur simply by picking the leaves without wearing gloves; the aconitine toxin is absorbed easily through the skin. Yikes!


  1. I love the sockhead hat and cowl. It's a mindless knit which went pretty quick for me. I was grateful the ribbing was 2x2 instead of 1x1. I'm still choosing books to read for my Goodreads book challenge.

  2. I see monkshood in our mountains during wildflower season (July) and never thought about it being poisonous. I won't be picking any!

  3. There's something rather satisfying about miles and miles of stockinette. Your description of reading impacting your dreams reminds me of how I couldn't watch The Walking Dead before bed and then ultimately gave up on it altogether. Too gross and too many scary dreams!

  4. I think that cowl is going to be so great! And, sometimes mindless stockinette is the perfect thing for mid-winter knitting!

  5. Yikes about Monkshood! Didn't realize the poisonous bit about it. Now I'll probably incorporate that into a dream - lol. I've had that same issue with books and dreams. Funny that it's definitely not all the time.

  6. Your cowl is looking good, Bonny. I think I have admitted to you that I enjoy miles of stockinette in the round, so I hope I get there on mine soon. I still just don't have much knitting time. I am going to have to work on fitting that in! I did know that aconite was extremely poisonous. I learned that from one of Diana Gabaldon's books. I didn't know that aconite was the same thing as Monkshood. I am always learning things from you, Bonny, and that's a good thing. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  7. I don't think I've ever seen Monkshood (that I know of, anyway!), but it's good to know how poisonous it is just in case I ever come across it.

    I hope that the book that's troubling you ends up much happier than you're afraid of. I know exactly what you mean about a book upsetting you so much that it disturbs your sleep. I have to be careful of what I read before bed because very often I end up dreaming about what I read.

  8. Evil name .....beautiful color.

  9. That cowl is going to be quite cozy. I always have multiple projects going but eventually decide to knit exclusively on one of them. Over and over I am amazed at how much knitting I can do when I just stick to one project. Go figure. I say if a book is upsetting to let it go. The older I get, the less I want to read about children in dire circumstances or brutality. There is always another book.

  10. Oh its good to have a unravel once in a while!!!!! I don't read too much . Ive been listening to podcasts thought!


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