Friday, February 8, 2019

Amaryllis Watch

Some of my amaryllis are done blooming, some are still slowly growing towards that stage. Here are some shots of what's currently growing and blooming at my house.

It's a grey, rainy day today, heading towards a cold and snowy week ahead, so I'm glad to have a profusion of bright blossoms. Here's hoping there are bright spots in your world, too.


  1. Those are gorgeous blooms! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! They're a lovely sight on this grey day, and will be even more welcome when we get snow and cold next week. Take care; I believe you're getting the wintry weather a day or two before we do.

  2. Those colors are so fabulous and cheerful!

  3. Just lovely, Bonny! There's nothing quite like magical blooms in the dreary winter months. XO

  4. Gorgeous! I'm sure IRL they are just amazing and a wonderful sight on a day like today. Someone here at work mentioned snow in the forecast for next week...which I had not heard.......

  5. Gorgeous!! What perfect colors for February!

  6. These are beautiful and certainly cheerful! It looks like you have had almost continuous blooms, so excellent timing. I hope you have better weather soon, Bonny, but until then, you have reminders of beauty. Have a great Friday!

  7. Those are really stunning! Mine aren't even as far along as yours in the last photo!

  8. I've had several real beauties this year and the last two are blossoming now. I am so sorry to see them go! Yours are full and lovely with more to come! Lucky you!

  9. Oh my goodness. Thanks for sharing your amaryllis!! I have not seen any in any friends homes. SO i get to see yours!

  10. Beautiful....all those reds are so cheerful.

    No amaryllis here, but my phaleonopsis orchid is getting ready to bloom!

  11. Stunning, Bonnie - and it looks like you have many more weeks of waiting and watching to enjoy! I'm finally caught up with everything you shared this week ... so sorry your potential bookgroup didn't work out. I wish you lived near me! I'd love for you to share your extensive HH experience in a post called "Beginners Guide to the Hitchhiker". Is it really a single skein project? Do you follow Martina's pattern as written? ...stuff like that... I really do want to get on board with knitting one! and finally those tacos look amazing - did your sockhead cowl enjoy the outing, too? :-) Happy Weekend!

  12. no snow here yet but I wouldn't mind a few flakes. Love your blossoms!!

  13. Absolutely gorgeous...just the best antidote to today's ( 2.12.) gray!


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