Monday, February 25, 2019

Sometimes Monday ...

... is a day to Just Begin. As Kat reminded me on Friday via Katrina Rodabaugh, “Begin this journey with whatever skills you have today and trust…You’ll improve techniques as you practice.” Excellent advice for invisible mending, sewing, knitting, almost anything, including taxes.

Tax time always brings a sense of dread and makes me feel disorganized, and especially this year. I don't fully understand Trump's tax plan, but I already know I don't like it because I can't deduct all of my property taxes (one of the joys of living in NJ is sky-high property taxes.) I also have to file in three states - as a partial year resident in NJ, partial year non-resident in DE where John works, and partial year resident in MD where we live down there. I still "help" Ryan and Justin with their taxes, so maybe I'll start with their easy Federal returns and then do their CO and NY state taxes. I spent Friday morning gathering all the necessary tax information in one place, so now I can act like a grownup and Just Begin. 


  1. There are many things that make me glad to be an adult. Having to do taxes is not one of them. Good luck!

  2. I am sending you all kinds of tax mojo and hope that your process goes smoothly. This was the first year that my tax trepidation was high - especially after speaking with several neighbors that their return amount was significantly diminished. And, you are not alone - I don't think anyone understands (or likes) Trump's plan.

  3. Best of luck! I stopped doing our taxes years ago...Fletch had his own business and I just wasn't knowledgeable enough. Truth be told, I could probably do them now that Fletch is retired, but I really, really like having someone else do them for us! I went to the appointment and was very pleasantly surprised (and happy) with the result.

  4. This task is on my Monday list too. Although I am just gathering everything for the accountant. Good luck.

  5. Good for you! Well, I don't know if "good" is the right word. I have been pulling it all together on my end and will soon begin. An appointment with Ali's tax lady is on the books, and Kate did her own this year!!

  6. It's bad enough when you live in one state. I know you'll figure everything out but hope you don't have too much pain and angst over any of it.

  7. Doug has completed ours and Dan's. Just his mom left to go. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope things go smoothly for you!

  8. Your plan to start simple sounds very smart. That is excellent advice! I am one of those people who is impatient sometimes to master a skill, so I will try to remember that. I can't believe you have to do taxes in 3 states! That's terrible. Our state taxes are not too difficult to do, so I hope yours are not either. With those math skills of yours you will do great!

  9. That all sounds so complicated. I've never actually done my own taxes, I've always hired someone to do them.

  10. My kids are on their own for taxes now . . . but I've still got my dad's to do. And my own. And I haven't started. I guess it's time. (But I'd prefer to just . . . not.) XO

  11. Tomorrow is our tax day. Not looking forward to the final numbers...

    1. I'm not completely finished with ours, so this may change, but we owe ... a LOT. Good luck tomorrow!

  12. oh yikes. thankfully I'm just doing taxes for me and Marc but I feel the same way. I hope you got off to a good start ... and if you did please share because I'm still procrastinating about ours.

  13. Tax time - ugh. double ugh. I help my husband assemble the information, he fills out the worksheet and works with our accountant.

  14. I cannot imagine doing my own taxes :) I use a CPA but admire the people who do do it!! Go you!


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