Monday, February 11, 2019

Sometimes Monday ...

... looks a bit better than I originally thought. I started the day with problems with my phone, problems with my laptop, issues with a delivery from Lowe's, the first of three different shots of snow and winter weather, and a headache. I went outside to shovel the sidewalk and spied these very early snowdrops. I can hopefully go to Verizon after Lowe's hopefully delivers my freezer, and I'm happy to know I have snowdrops (even if they do end up buried under more snow and ice).


  1. At least the snow drops are hale and hearty creatures - despite how beautifully delicate they look. Technology issues are never fun and I hope they are sorted out soon!

  2. OH, MY! My snowdrops are buried under about a foot of snow, 4" of it new! I am looking forward to the day they see the light (and I see them!)! Good luck with your list and I hope it all goes smoothly!

  3. I've spotted snowdrops several times and as early as December along my walk to work. Here's hoping yours know what's up (and that your various headaches resolve themselves soon)!

  4. What a beautiful shot! Hopefully they will fare ok with the sleet and freezing rain forecast for tonight and hopefully you get everything resolved/worked out today. Ugh to technology issues. They always make me CRAZY!!

  5. YES!!! Spring WILL come (as always, but I'm READY NOW)! I hope all of your other issues resolve without too much trouble.

  6. I ♥ snowdrops. They were the first flowers I saw when we moved here last year.

  7. That's early for snow drops, lucky you! And I hope all of your other problems are easily resolved!

  8. Hooray for snowdrops, the harbingers of spring! I have also had lots of techno torture lately. Is there anything more frustrating? At the time, I can't think of anything that makes me want to gnash my teeth more. Hope all your problems resolve soon, and that this is all the problems you will encounter this week. Did shoveling the walk help your headache?

  9. Holy Monday! I hope your day has shaken out ok. I'll meet you around 5:30 for a schnort. (In the words of my favorite 80 year old drinking buddy from long ago!)

  10. gah! I hope TUESDAY dawns bright. with internet and wi-fi!! (but yes, those snowdrops are lovely :-)

  11. Trusting your day ended 100% better than its beginning!

  12. what the what??! Awesome! I haven't even tried to look for them yet :)

  13. I hope the trip to Verizon went well. And snowdrops - wait what? I imagine the ground is still frozen out back but maybe I better go look around - just in case.


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