Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday. There's no unraveling going on with my knitting, but I am feeling a tiny bit unraveled myself. We had snow, sleet, and freezing rain yesterday (and late into the night), so I got up early this morning to start shoveling. After four hours it was time to take a shower and head to the dentist, then home again for another couple hours of shoveling. John is in MD, and I'm here in NJ to shovel everything myself. It's finally all done, so I'm treating myself this evening with the delicious warmth of the heating pad on my back, some Rumchata and chai, and knitting on this Hitchhiker. I'm still working on my Sockhead Cowls, but this Hitchhiker that looks like spring and is not winter grey loudly demanded my attention this week.

I'm still listening to The Tommyknockers like I talked about yesterday. It's kind of an odd story so far, but I do want to see where this plot goes, and of course, listen to Edward Herrmann.

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. That is a beautiful and spring-like Hitchhiker! I think it is a perfect choice for your weather. Keep your eyes on it rather than out the window. That is so much work, Bonny! Be careful working so hard. I had seen that your weather was horrendous, but I hoped that it had skipped your house. And that Rumchata sounds wonderful and warming. I hope you sleep the sleep of the righteous tonight! I am reading The Silent Patient. The jury is still out on that one.

  2. I love that Hitchhiker - and I am sorry you are alone to shovel this dratted white stuff - would that I lived closer, I'd help you!

  3. I love the color of this Hitchhike, it is the perfect antidote for a dark, gray day.

    1. Thanks, Debbie! The colorway is called No Regrets, which I love in addition to the actual colors!

  4. That yarn color is delicious!!!

    I shoveled as well. I told Steve it was like trying to shovel a Slurpee.

  5. Ugh, that stinks about all the shoveling! We had enough snow to close the library early, which I loved, but after I had been home for just a couple of hours it changed to freezing rain and sleet. I'm so lucky that I have Dale to deal with all of that outside stuff! Your Hitchhiker in progress is gorgeous!

  6. I hope you aren't too sore today from all that shoveling! I find it's a good workout, but it definitely uses muscles I don't use otherwise.

    Amid all the snow and ice, I don't blame you for wanting to work on your Hitchhiker! It really is knitting up beautifully.

  7. Wow, that's a lot of shoveling! Was Edward in your ears? I LOVE your spring HH! (also - adding eyelets ... another bit for your Beginner's Guide!)

  8. beautiful beautiful! and such a bright cheery color!

  9. All that shoveling - oh my. I would say your treats are the least of what you deserve. Take it easy. I love the bright Hitchhiker. What kind of yarn is that? So pretty on a gray winter day.

  10. You are amazing, quite simply wonder woman, in my book. Doing all that shoveling on your own, I can't even. The Hitchhiker is a breath of spring! I so crave something pink, bright, blossoming! My eyes are tired of grays, black and white looking landscapes and grayed greens. I hope you have no more need of that shovel for awhile.


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