Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday. I'm still plugging along on one of my Sockhead Cowls, hoping that it's still winter when I finally finish it. If not, I guess I'll be early for next year. The photo isn't ideal because it's a dark winter day and we're awaiting snow in MD. They're predicting 3-5" and it's caused quite a tizzy for several days. Schools were cancelled yesterday in advance of the snow, and it was all people could talk about at the library, grocery store, and yarn store. 

I had to go to the yarn store yesterday because my niece has had her baby, a sweet little girl. I knit three hats before the baby was born, but only one fit, and the other two were already too small. I was considering a cute baby sweater, but I talked to my SiL last weekend and she had one sweater done and yarn ordered for another one. We discussed baby socks and thought they would be very quick. I honestly thought I could knit a pair in an hour or two, but it turns out they take a little longer than that in real life. That's how far I can knit in an hour, so I've still got the foot to do, and oh yeah, a second sock. They're certainly smaller than adult socks, but a little more fiddly. I'll have to see if they fit before I knit any more socks. That's supposedly a 6-month size, but I remember my boys' ankles being fairly chubby, and I'm not sure the ribbing will stretch enough to get them on. There don't seem to be any babies in the neighborhood to try them on, so I'll just finish the pair and try them on my grandniece when I'm home this weekend.

I finished The Tommyknockers and it did provide hours of lovely listening to Edward Herrmann. Too bad the story was awful, but in an odd way that kept me listening as I really expected it to get better at some point. It did not, so now I'm just waiting for my next good audio book to find me. Any suggestions?

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. What cute little socks! I've never knit baby socks before (although I have knit booties . . . long ago), so have no advice re: fit. I hope the snow doesn't cause you much trouble. Although I'm a secret Stephen King fan, I've never read The Tommyknockers (and think I'll skip that one; thanks!). I often find that even bad Stephen King books keep me reading. He just tells compelling stories. . .

  2. Cute socks! I have knit several pairs of sock for Genevieve when she was tiny - and it seems to me that the 6 month size worked well!

    I have had a spate of mediocre audio books recently (at least until now I have Gamache in my ears, Michelle O up next, and then because I was curious South by Sir Ernest Shackleton) but I am almost first for The Little Friend by Donna Tartt... I have really enjoyed her books in the past so I am hoping this one does not fail!

  3. The socks are cute. I hope they fit and you get to knit many more. :) I have American Marriage up next. I've heard mixed reviews, but a friend said she liked the way the story was told.

  4. Love the backdrop for your knitted pieces - it makes them pop. Good luck with the baby socks...or what you wind up making. I intend to begin Dani Shapiro's Inheritance any day now, whenever I remember to download it...maybe I'll do that now!

  5. That yarn is so cute for a baby girl! My best advice for knitting/sewing for babies: always make things that are going to be too big. They grow into them quickly, and it's OK if they are too big for a while. Small things like this are so fiddly, and it always surprises me how long they take. My mother used to make clothes for my dolls, and she said it was a real pain to work on things that small. I am reading Jane Harper's newest, The Lost Man, and it is very good. I also liked her first, but was on the fence about her second book. It's nice to find something engaging to read. Becoming by Michelle O. is next. Not knitting. I have lost my mojo. Need to work on that.

  6. I listened to A Gentleman in Moscow last year and enjoyed it; it is a lovely, gentle story. Little Fires Everywhere was really good, too, but a much harder story, if that makes sense. The Book of Joy (by Bishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama) was inspiring and lovely to listen to. Before We Were Yours is just a really good story.

  7. IM reading blogs and Articles people link me to! Im knitting toast hand warmers and waiting on my baby sweater yarn to arrive Friday!

    1. I hope your hand warmers do their job and your yarn arrives early!

  8. Oh man, I remember knitting baby socks once and just looked up the stats on Ravelry... 14 years ago! So must have been when Mack was a baby. I hope yours fit. That yarn is great!

  9. What pretty yarn for the baby socks and you are almost finished with the cowl!! (I would have used mine yesterday, but I never even put one foot outside - lol.) I still seem to be in a reading slump - can't seem to get interested in anything. It might be Winter doldrums, I'm not sure.

  10. Can I recommend tube socks (as in no heels) for baby socks? You won't have to worry about the foot fitting and they'll last longer. Just a thought.

  11. oh I'm so happy to see PINK yarn on your needles. sorry I have no advice to offer about baby socks, but from these comments, looks like you've had plenty! and also sorry I have no audiobook advice either. I've been catching up on podcasts this week. I try to do that weekly, but doing it for four whole days is ... weird. I think I'm in a slump (too?)!

  12. The socks look really cute. One tip I learned from Paula of the Knitting Pipeline podcast for fitting baby/child garments long distance was to measure them against a like size in a store. She compares a t-shirt in a specific size to a sweater size. I don't know how that would work for socks. I loved Becoming by M. Obama and am currently listening to the latest Louise Penny. Sometimes I just go to the libraries electronic site and scroll through the category of audiobooks - available now. It takes quite a bit of time but now and then I come upon something that I'd never have thought of.

  13. yay for baby girl knitting! socks are a great gift and I bet they will be speedier than a sweater but longer than a hat. love the sockhead cowl!


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