Striving to be highly reasonable, even in the face of unreasonableness. Reading, knitting, and some alcohol may help.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Friday Letters
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Unraveled Wednesday
I'm joining Kat and the Unravelers for Unraveled Wednesday, now with actual unraveling!
What are you making and reading this week?
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
I Didn't Think I Would Enjoy It ...
And by "it", I mean State of Terror, the recent release co-written by Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny. When I first read about them writing a thriller together, I immediately placed a hold at the library. I was pretty sure that it wouldn't be my favorite book this year, and in fact, I was reasonably sure that I wouldn't like it, but I did want the opportunity to read something written by these two powerhouse authors. I don't like thrillers, and even less so if they are political, so I was surprised at how much I enjoyed State of Terror.
Adams flies around the world, trying to figure out who is responsible for a series of international bombings. I tried to read one of James Patterson's and Bill Clinton's books, The President is Missing, but I didn't seem to have enough testosterone to get more than a few chapters into it. Ellen Adams and her friend and counselor Betsy Jameson use their brains, and it's gratifying to read about two middle-aged women trying to save the world.
Ellen Adams was used to people underestimating her. Accomplished middle-aged women were often diminished by small men.I rounded up this 3.5 star book because the authors ask some thoughtful questions and write with wicked humor.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Come Along With Me
One of my weekend chores in NJ is grocery shopping. We don't eat a lot of meals here, but it's not possible to keep milk, bread, and a few other things fresh for a week. So here are some of the sights you would have seen if you had come along with me to the grocery store last weekend. I always think the mundane task of grocery shopping would be more fun if you did it with a friend.
This sign has been on the front door of the store for almost a year, since they started giving covid vaccines. It has bothered me since then as it looks like they might be advertising Free COVID, rather than vaccines. It reminds me that in the early days of the pandemic it often felt like being a customer was a chance to get Free COVID.
The intersection of multiple holidays has finally happened. In this aisle we have Christmas, Halloween, and fall combined for easy one-stop shopping.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Three on Thursday
I'm joining Carole for Three on Thursday this week, with three questions each for two three distinct groups of people that I've wondered about this week.
For those that don't blog: Have you ever thought about blogging? Do you have reasons for not blogging? What has kept you from trying it?
Edited to add because Valerie helpfully pointed this out: For those that used to blog but gave it up: Why did you quit? Do you ever regret it? Have you ever considered starting your blog again?
It seems only fair that if I'm going to ask questions that I should also answer them.
I started blogging back in 2013 when Ryan moved to Colorado. It felt like something was missing (really it was someone). I needed some sort of outlet, so on a whim, I started to write. I have looked back at some of my first entries and cringed. The photos and content were crap, but they were mine.
I have contemplated quitting, mainly because I run out of ideas to write about. My grandmother always said "There's no point in talking if you don't have something to say", and I think about that often.
I think that several things keep me going. The first is that I write mainly for myself. It helps me to get things out of my mind, write them down, and it just happens to be in a public sort of format. I can refer back to my blog to remind myself about when things happened (as several of you have written about recently)! The other main reason that I am still blogging is that I enjoy the personal contact. I've only met two bloggers in person (Dee and Vera at NJ Sheep & Wool), but I feel like many bloggers and commenters are friends (even if some people think they are "imaginary friends"). I'm grateful that you have chosen to read what I've written; I take joy in reading the comments, and often look forward to responding and continuing the conversation by email. I appreciate the personal interactions (be they words of encouragement, book recommendations, recipes, differing opinions, and possibly some help with a sweater in the future), and they have all added something valuable to my life.
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This was back in 2018, the good old days pre-covid. We all look much better than this now! |
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Unraveled Wednesday
I'm joining Kat and the Unravelers for Unraveled Wednesday, with some of my usual knitting and also something new.
And there is also the prospect of a sweater. Justin gave me a Webs gift certificate for Mother's Day and I bought some lovely dk weight yarn. I swatched, but have since fallen out of love with the pattern I intended to knit. After searching patterns for a long time, I just can't get the Antler cardigan out of my mind. It's meant for worsted, but plenty of people have used dk, so I'm going to give it a try. I'm doing some more swatches but will start with the sleeves (maybe later this week?) so I can more properly assess gauge before I start on the body. I'm going slowly because my first sweater attempt in 30 years feels like a big deal.
Since last week I've finished The Five Wounds (an excellent book that I highly recommend) and re-listened to several Gary Paulsen audiobooks (Tracker, Hatchet, Brian's Winter and Brian's Return). I'm waiting for lots of books in hold queues, but a friend just finished The Lincoln Highway and gave it five stars. She rarely rates books this highly unless they are deserving and has never led me astray, so I've just started it this morning.
What are you making and reading this week?
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
It's the Final Countdown ...
... or a close estimate.
I've previously mentioned my dislike for the weekly drive from NJ to MD on Sunday and then back to NJ on Thursday or Friday. Last week John told his boss that he is retiring and he has a meeting with HR today to talk about some details, like the actual date that he's leaving. This is most likely in February or March of 2022, so there is light at the end of the tunnel (or the always-congested Delaware Memorial Bridge).Round trips between NJ and MD that we'll have to make: 18
Number of John's work pants and shirts that I'll have to wash and iron: 48 (too high, but I may never iron again after he retires.)
Times I will have to pay duplicate electric, water and sewer bills, Comcast, and property taxes: 25
Trips to the grocery store to keep two houses stocked with basic food items: 16
Times I purchase heating oil for two houses: 2
How often I wish that I had something that I've left in the other house from where I'm currently located: 54 (yarn, clothing, kitchen utensils, etc. This happens at least three times/week.)
Vegetables that I will have to blanch and freeze from the garden in MD: 0! I did ~20 lbs. of carrots last weekend in NJ, but in a less-than-efficient way because my food processor was in MD and I had to slice them all by hand.
Amount of money that we will pay in tolls on the Delaware Memorial Bridge: $90.00
How much we will pay in tolls on Route 95: Anywhere from $0 - 200.00. We had an easy way to travel without any tolls but construction started on that about 2.5 years ago and is ongoing. We've been using an alternate route with only one $5.00 toll but construction started on that yesterday, so I'm not quite sure how we'll go when we head home to NJ this week. We'll just be glad to find a not-too-congested route (just like everyone else is looking for) and not worry about tolls.
Hope that the house in MD will sell quickly and for a decent price after we list it: Infinite!
Monday, October 18, 2021
Thank You, Gary
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Poetry on Thursday
As flake is to blizzard, as
Curve is to sphere, as knot is to net, as
One is to many, as coin is to money, as
bird is to flock, as
Rock is to mountain, as drop is to fountain, as
spring is to river, as glint is to glitter, as
Near is to far, as wind is to weather, as
feather is to flight, as light is to star, as
kindness is to good, so acorn is to wood.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Unraveled Wednesday
I'm joining Kat for Unraveled Wednesday, and am especially excited because I've finally finished the Drachenblut Hitchhiker!
Last week I also finished three books. Two were four-star books for me, No Cure for Being Human and Everything Happens for a Reason. These are both memoirs written by Kate Bowler who was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer at age 35. I especially appreciated Bowler's candid assessments of some of the lies and platitudes fostered by religion, as she is a person of faith and teaches at Duke Divinity School. She can write about religion without being overly religious.
The third book was Bewilderment by Richard Powers, and I don't think I'm his primary audience. I liked individual parts of this book, but as a whole I was underwhelmed. The writing is lovely, but I found myself wondering what much of it meant. This book was only 2.5 stars rounded up to 3 for me.
I was in the process of reading Matrix, our current Read With Us book, but Overdrive whisked it back before I finished it, so now I have to wait a month for my hold to come up again. That's probably for the best as I will be able to remember more if I read it closer to our discussion in January.
What are you making and reading this week?
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
A Walk in the Woods
A couple of weekends ago, we went for a walk in the woods by my mother-in-law's house. She's been gone for a couple of years and John's brother lives there now, but we still say we are going to Grandmom's. It's a nice little remembrance.
We saw a lightning-struck tree,
and the bent cherry tree. It's alive and growing like this and John and his brother have been calling it the bent cherry tree for more than 50 years.
and here he is in a more close up view.
A few minutes later I came across another turtle, with pretty markings and lovely orange head and feet.
I also came across a couple of farmers outstanding in their field of sorghum.
It's peaceful and restorative to take some time to wander in the woods and see all the things that await. I hope you have the opportunity to take your own walk and see some interesting things!
Monday, October 11, 2021
All the Points
When the boys were growing up, I made dinner almost every night. That meant that every so often we would have leftovers, stored in a collection of containers in the refrigerator. Some had just a few bites in them, like leftover spaghetti and meatballs that Justin couldn't finish, or maybe a spoonful of green beans that Ryan didn't really like. Once the leftover containers had taken over the refrigerator, and I couldn't transform the leftovers into soup or something else, I would declare a smorgasbord night, put out all the containers on the counter, and everyone could decide what they wanted for dinner.
I never did anything with the container point redemption scheme, and it eventually became a family joke. Even as adults, they still occasionally ask about container points. But a few weeks ago I discovered another type of point.
A bunch of warning lights came on in John's truck after he had driven over some rumble strips on the way back from MD, so he took the truck to the dealer. They said he had a bad wheel speed sensor, and they would try to order one. It's one of those parts that has a rare and hard-to-get electronic chip in it, so they weren't sure if it would be available. They called me when John was on vacation and I decided it would be best to take it right into the dealer since they had actually found one. My service advisor was a woman who wondered why I was bringing in John's truck. I explained the story and told her that I was just trying to increase my good wife points. She found this fairly amusing and could barely get over the fact that I was going to sit there for three hours and wait for his truck.
Friday, October 8, 2021
Museum of Me: Me As a Child
Last month, Kym introduced this wonderful idea, The Museum of Me. I thought it was terrific, and the whole time I was reading her post, I kept thinking about how I could tactfully ask her if I could steal the idea. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.) But part of her brilliance included an invitation to create our own museums, and she even sent her "exhibit schedule" so we could participate. So I'd like to welcome you to my Museum of Me. This month's exhibit is Me As a Child.
As you enter the main display hall of the museum, you'll notice a large portrait. It's a fair-haired young girl, about six years old. She's a quiet and reserved child, but her expression looks like she might be secretly quite pleased.
It may not be clear from the first glance, but she is not a ballerina. Once you've noticed her crown and star scepter, it becomes evident that this young girl is dressed as Glinda the Good Witch.
When I was a child, my mother always asked what I wanted to be for Halloween. Halloween was never my favorite holiday, and I'm still not a fan of dressing up, but my answer every year from when I was six years old was that I wanted to be Glinda. That was the year we got a color TV, and I saw The Wizard of Oz in color.
In 1963, VCRs and DVDs didn't exist (or we didn't have one), so watching The Wizard of Oz on TV was a special occasion since it was only broadcast once a year. The first time I saw the change from black and white to technicolor when Dorothy opens the door in Oz was truly amazing to me. And when I saw Glinda in that gorgeous pink dress, I thought she was the most beautiful witch person ever. I truly wanted to be her, and since I was six, I thought maybe I could be.
My mother and grandmother sewed the costume for me, and while I was initially disappointed that it didn't have a full-length skirt, I loved the satin cape, and glittery crown and star scepter they made. I'm sure that people answering their doors on Halloween thought I was a ballerina, but once I politely informed them that I was Glinda I'm sure they understood. I wore that costume for as long as it fit, and there were many days that I remember walking home from school and changing into it. I thought Glinda was stunning, and I can still remember how beautiful that costume made me feel. Everybody should have at least one outfit in their life that makes them feel absolutely beautiful, and this was mine.
Thank you for visiting The Museum of Me. Be sure to visit Kym today for her new exhibit. The museum exhibits will be changed monthly on the second Friday of the month, so please stop by again in November for the next carefully curated installation. (The gift shop is on the right on your way out!)
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Happy Birthday!
Today is Ryan's birthday, and he's 31 years old. For the past few years his birthday has brought a tinge of sadness to me because we've been 1700 miles apart. I visited him in CO several times for his birthday, but it wasn't like a big family celebration.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Read With Us - It's a New Book
After we finish with the Zoom discussion of a Read With Us book, our thoughts turn to "what next?" Sometimes this discussion begins even before we've finished the current book; sometimes we can arrive at a new book choice quickly, but there are other times when it takes a long time, lots of e-mail discussion, consideration, and re-consideration. This book was one of those other times.
I know that several of you already have this on your TBR list, and possibly have it on hold at your library. I'm currently listening to the audio version and only had a short wait for it from my library. It's available from Amazon for Kindle for $14.99 and $17.99 for hardcover. It's also available from Audible for one credit or $22.05 for the member price.
Carole, Kym, and I will be writing promotional posts for Matrix on November 2, November 9th, and November 16th, with our Zoom discussion scheduled for January 11, 2022. We hope that will be plenty of time for you to get the book and read it. At only 272 pages, it isn't a long one.
I'm hoping you will Read With Us, give Matrix a try, and plan on joining the Zoom discussion. I think (hope) it will be a good one!