Monday, March 13, 2023

Give and Take

John likes company much of the time, even when he's just going to Home Depot, while I value my alone time. This can create a little bit of friction, especially because I see it as an opportunity to have some of that precious time to myself while he's out doing errands. 

This is Skip's Outdoors. The "Live Bait & Tackle" machine out front
and bow advertisements in the window are a giveaway.

Last week John asked if I wanted to go along with him to Stockton (a nearby town) because he wanted to look at fishing stuff at Skip's Outdoors. I've been to Skip's with him before, and it is not a place for me. It's a small outdoors store with guns, ammo, and fishing stuff, and lots of old guys tend to gather there to pass the time and talk about hunting and fishing. 

I contentedly knit on Sophie in the car while John was in Skip's.

So while I didn't want to go to Skip's, I did propose a little give and take. I would drive and go along with John to Skip's but would stay in the car and knit. Then we could take a short walk down the street to Gabarelly's and have cheesesteaks for lunch. This way John would have the company he likes, I wouldn't have to be bored out of my mind with a bunch of old guys, and both John and I would have a good lunch.

Our reward! I even saved the second half of mine for dinner. 

It was a win-win! (I do wonder how partners who don't knit manage retirement?)


  1. I like how you worked this trip to your advantage! I think my husband just takes it for granted that anywhere we do, I'll have my knitting with me. Luckily he doesn't want my company when he runs his errands.

  2. Sounds like a good deal for both of you! And that steak looks delicious (and I don't even like cheese on mine!!).

  3. I love your work around on this, Bonny. (and those cheese steaks look amazing!) I often wonder how *anyone* gets by without knitting!

  4. What a great example of The Art of The Marriage Compromise, Bonny. One of the things I say all the time to Tom: "I can knit through anything." (Sometimes it's a TV show or movie I'm not interested in, and sometimes it's a trip to the fishing store or to go "check out a river.") (I like it best when there's food involved . . . ) XO

  5. my husband and I do that as well! Only instead of knitting, I meditate :)

  6. Well, Steve golfs sometimes. He stays in his home office on his computer a lot. But, I seriously miss him being gone on work travel. I loved my few days of alone time.

    Glad you and John worked out a compromise.

  7. That is an excellent compromise! I sit in the car and read or knit A LOT while Dale checks out outdoorsy stuff or Civil War stuff. It's definitely best when combined with lunch!

  8. Great compromise! I was a little miffed at Rusty when we were on vacation and he had designs one day on stopping at a beach -- which is perfectly fine, but I need to know the plan so I can be prepared (i.e., make sure I have my knitting!).

  9. That sounds like a great win-win solution, Bonny - I can tell you've been at this marriage thing for a few years :-)

  10. What a great solution to the company/solitude dilemma. I'm glad it was warm enough for you to stay in the car and knit. I am glad to be a partner who can knit or read the time away. Lunch is an excellent end to an outing.


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