Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday: 2/8/23

I'm happy to join Kat and fellow Unravelers for Unraveled Wednesday, with a Sophie Shawl in progress. I'm still knitting on it and have just started the decreases. Hopefully, I'll finish it before I get completely bored by garter stitch and i-cord. (But I'll probably be going back to a garter stitch Hitchhiker when Sophie is done, so go figure.)

Books this week have included some good ones, one average, and one that I never should have started. The good ones included a pre-publication copy of No Two Persons by Erica Bauermeister and The Snow Goose by Paull Gallico. I found The Snow Goose while I was looking for Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris by the same author, and the audio read by Ralph Cosham was delightful. (He narrated the Three Pines books before his death.) The average book was The Second Life of Mirielle West by Amanda Skenandore. It was unique in that it's the only book I've read about someone with leprosy and I learned about the 
U.S. Marine Hospital No. 66 in Carville, Louisiana where lepers were quarantined and treated. The writing was sometimes overwrought and overwritten, and there were bits of romance that didn't add to the plot, but the story was interesting. 

The one-star dud for me was How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing. I thought the title was clever and intriguing but the target audience for this book is those who have executive function issues, are suffering from addiction, grief, ADHD, depression, or chronic illness, and are feeling completely overwhelmed. I hate housework, but I am not completely overwhelmed. The author advises readers to use disposable toothbrushes with toothpaste pre-applied, throw laundry on the floor if folding it is too difficult, and throw away their dishes if washing them is just too much. Nope, not for me. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Your Sophie is coming along nicely (that color is so wonderful). The last book - the dud - sounds hysterical (but I don't think I'll bother with it). Thanks for the other reviews. I'm heading to the library after I finish at the office, so perfect timing!

  2. They sell toothpaste with toothpaste pre-applied??? I had no idea . . . Your shawl is going to be lovely, Bonny. That shade of blue is so cheering. I think I'd love to knit something that color! (Everything looks so tempting to me . . . as I slog away on my dang cardigan . . . ) XO

  3. I always think of you as the queen of garter stitch! Your dud book almost sounds like it was written as a joke or a parody of self-help books. I hope it was at least a quick listen! I think I read The Snow Goose many years ago; I have a memory of being in my school library and finding a tiny volume on the shelf that I was able to read in one class period.

  4. Your shawl is coming along marvelously! That yarn looks so squishy and soft too... it will be a treat to wrap up in that! You very good reads sound fascinating to me, I am off to find one or both of them! Thank you!

  5. gorgeous shawl! and a one star is quite impressive that you stuck with it. ugh. I will avoid that book!

  6. I read Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris as a Readers' Digest condensed book back when those were a thing. My mom had a whole shelf of them. But I have not read the Snow Goose, surely a failing on my part. The color of your Sophie shawl is lovely. I am sure you will enjoy wearing it. I read Carville's Cure, a nonfiction book about the leper colony in Louisiana. It is disheartening to discover new ways humans can torture others.

  7. I love garter stitch. The Sophie Shawl is so pretty in that blue. It goes well with the socks too. I'm adding The Snow Goose to my reading list. I love finding an older book. I am itching to cast on either a hitchhiker or a Sophie Shawl but trying to knit away on current projects first.

  8. Here's how to keep house while drowning: hire someone else to do it! I love the blue of that shawl!

  9. Your Sophie is lovely! (I'm wearing my scarf today and that little bit of wool and silk around my neck is ... perfection!) Delighted to see that Erica Bauermeister has a new book coming out - I've read three of hers and loved them all.


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