Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sunday Selection

Sundays during November will be for my Sunday Selection - a recipe that sounds good, a book that I love, a quote, poem, or photo that speaks to me ... whatever strikes my fancy!

Today it's The Nix.

I read this book back in September and predicted that it would most likely be the best book I read this year. I feel even more sure about this in mid-November, so I want to spread the word in case it sounds like it might be a book for you. I know several of you have already read this, and I'm friends with quite a few of you on goodreads, so my apologies if you've heard this all before. 

My goodreads review:

In an interview about The Nix, Nathan Hill said, "I stuffed it full of every idea I had. It became a repository of things in the world I was mad about, concerned and confused about." Luckily for me as a reader, he was mad, concerned, and confused about college professors and students they have to deal with, plagiarism, MMORPGs, politics, media, mother-son relationships, past deeds that haunt us, and choose-your-own adventure books. At 620 pages it's a big repository, and even though there were times I wished it had been edited down, there were more times that I wished the stories would go on and on. I started listening to The Nix as an audiobook, but know that the hardcover version weighs in at 620 pages because I bought it when I came to the embedded choose-your-own-adventure book. While You Can Get The Girl! is not strictly based upon the readers' choices, I loved this, as I have often longed for this format written for adults. 

Reviewers that were not as enthralled with this book as I was seemed to think that Nathan Hill was trying to say something about America and how it has evolved/devolved since the sixties, and that may well have been his intention. Rather than look for a message, I simply enjoyed the multiple story lines, full of humor, sadness, satire, details, and thoughts that point out how funny, terrible, and ludicrous life can be (with all them often occurring simultaneously), like this one from Walter Cronkite's mind:
It's a chilling thought, that politicians have learned to manipulate the television medium better than the television professionals themselves. When old Cronkite first realized this was happening he imagined the kinds of people who would become politicians in the future. And he shuddered with fear.
It's only September, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that The Nix is most likely the best book I'll read this year. Nathan Hill is a damn fine storyteller. 

I have a hardcover copy of the book that I'd like to pass along if you are interested in reading it. Please leave a comment below and I will randomly choose a winner next Wednesday and send it off to the lucky person as soon as I can get to the post office.

Happy Reading!


  1. I LOVED The Nix! For all the reasons you stated in your review. (The audio version is very good -- the narrator is excellent -- even though you don't get to "see" the choose-your-own-adventure story.) I, too, was ready for it to go on and on. Great book.

  2. I have not heard of this book but I am very intrigued by your review!
    BTW - I like your profile pic - my family loves pi/pie!

  3. Well, as usual, I learn volumes visiting your blog! I did not know of The Nix and now I am intrigued. I am heading off to the library to see if they have the audio version! I need a listening diversion. (Although, Kay and Ann of MDK are doing a "listen along" to Moby Dick, The Great Read.) Thanks for the review!

  4. I have this on my TBR list after your recommendation!

  5. I put this one on my TBR list after reading your review in September.

  6. Thanks to your review (and Kym's wholehearted endorsement), I have this book queue'd up in my Audible library. I was thinking I'd save it ...but now I'm thinking what the heck, I should just go ahead an enjoy it!

  7. The Nix is next in my audio queue and I'm excited to read it given your review (and Kym's)!

  8. You've got me interested too! I'm not going to be part of the contest because I'm pretty sure I need to listen to this. Thank-you for the wonderful review and once again...upping my game!

  9. Hm. I have not heard of this book before, either. Now I'm interested!!

  10. this sounds like an interesting book. I would love a copy to read. but if I don't win it I will check and see if my llibrary has it.


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