Monday, January 2, 2023

Sometimes Monday ...

 ... is the day to start 2023 off right by inviting some fragrant flowers inside. 

Way back at the beginning of September I was patting myself on the back for remembering to buy myself some hyacinth bulbs while I accompanied John on another boring trip to Home Depot. I did put them in the extra refrigerator to chill, and now I'm patting myself on the back once again for remembering to get them out and start the forcing process

I've collected six forcing vases over the years, and since I'm anxious to get some flowers going, I started three of the bulbs. It's really simple: just put water into the vase to just below the basal plate of the bulb. This is where you'll see the roots start to form, usually within a week or so. Mine are currently in an unheated mud porch where they get indirect light and cooler temperatures. When the buds start to appear and green up a bit, I'll bring them into the house and give them more direct light. And hopefully, within 8-10 weeks, I'll have lovely hyacinth blossoms. 

You can force other bulbs besides hyacinths, and you don't need special forcing vases. You can use gravel, soil, or really anything that keeps your bulbs out of the water so they don't get moldy. 

I personally think some of the antique forcing vases are lovely, like this cobalt blue one on eBay. And maybe someday I'll even get myself an acorn-forcing vase or two.

Here's hoping you have something blooming in your house before spring! 


  1. What a great way to usher in the new year, Bonny! I especially love your collection of forcing vases. They're so lovely -- and perfect for showing off your soon-to-be-blooming hyacinth flowers. (I'm thinking I need one, and that Acorn vase is screaming at me right now . . . ) Happy New Year! XO

  2. Well I started out the day by learning something new -- I've never heard of a forcing vase before! We have hyacinths outside, but the idea of having them inside, especially in the winter, is making me smile.

  3. I think this might just be the most excellent way to welcome in the New Year! Those vases are so beautiful... especially the Delft one with the Windmill! Gosh! Stunning!

    I am patiently waiting for my paper whites to put up buds... they are there, but maybe they are shy and don't want to peek out yet! :)

    Oh, and Happy New Year!!

  4. I love those forcing vases, what a great way to showcase your bulbs. Good luck and enjoy the process of growing hyacinths!

  5. What beautiful forcing vases you have. I love this idea for starting off the New Year. My Dad used to just plant an acorn in a pot with soil and he always got it to sprout and grow (he had a very, very green thumb!). Like Kym, I really like that acorn forcing vase and may need to get one (my thumbs are not as green as my Dad's were).

  6. You crackle-glass vases are BEAUTIFUL! You'll have to show us how they are doing from time to time.

  7. I had no idea that forcing vases were a thing so many years ago ... makes me smile to think of our great(great) grandmothers (because I'm sure it wasn't the men) making blooms inside before Spring came.

  8. I have never owned a forcing vase, but I have forced hyacinths in years past. I hope you enjoy the process and the results. Hyacinths do smell fantastic. I have not had good luck with plants this year. My Christmas cactus did not bloom this year. BOO! And my clivia has never bloomed, and I have always had good luck before this past 2 years. Maybe my plants sense my melancholy? LOL This is a great way to start the new year. In spite of my state of melancholy (I just finished the Marriage Portrait), I have decided to rejoin the world, especially yours, Bonny. Your forcing vases are lovely, as are you! Happy New Year!

  9. Your forcing vases are so lovely and will look even more beautiful when your hyacinths bloom!

    1. And I'm so looking forward to their delightful scent!

  10. I have not heard of a forcing vase. They are lovely indeed. I have always admired older glass pieces. I have an amaryllis with a bud on a stalk. Other than Christmas cactus I have never grown flowers in winter. They are a lovely antidote to the gray and cold outdoors.

  11. I bet it's fun to watch them grow!

  12. Oh neat! I love the idea of the acorn vase!!


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