Monday, January 16, 2023

Sometimes Monday ...

 ... is a day to check on my hyacinth's progress. 

Lots of roots, the stems are coming up, and hopefully, I'll have buds and blossoms soon. 

And look, a bonus geranium bud, too!

Here's hoping there is something good happening in your world this Monday!


  1. Oh, those green-growies give me some serious vicarious joy! (Especially that bonus geranium bud.) Bulbs and buds in the dead of winter are truly Good Things. Thanks for sharing yours. XO

  2. I love watching plants like this. I need to remember to force some bulbs.

  3. If you can believe it, I have some hyacinth shoots poking up outside! Of course, they're completely frozen now that we've had some snow and really cold temps, so I hope they go back to sleep until it's really time for them to come up.

  4. wow, that is some progress! And what a cheerful splash of green to look at during January.

  5. Wow! Especially that lovely geranium bud! Green and growing is such an incredible thing to appreciate on the 16th of January! XO

  6. Your green thumb is working overtime.

  7. We always have a few scraggly geraniums in the garden room in winter and their little flowers are so nice to see!

  8. Your plants look so pretty! I usually keep a couple of geraniums over the winter, but this year I couldn't keep them alive. Yours looks ready to bloom!

    1. And I feel especially lucky with any geranium blossoms I get because those are just clippings I took from one I had outside last summer and stuck in water in a vase. I was going to pot them in soil once they rooted but I think I might leave them alone for the winter.

  9. Your thumb must be glow in the dark neon green, Bonny! Those plants are eagerly taking off. That is always a hopeful site.

  10. and sometimes Monday is a day to catch up with my friends on the internet! my amaryllis are fading fast and it's wonderful to see your bulbs sprouting green.

  11. It's great to see your bulbs coming to life. A geranium bud on a January day is a very good thing. The sun came out this afternoon and that was a good thing on a Monday.

  12. My Monday was lovely and now I need to get some indoor plants because I am having a major case of amaryllis envy

  13. Look at all that green growing goodness! It gives me hope!


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