Monday, July 11, 2022


How was your weekend? I hope it was good and you accomplished something that you wanted to - whether that was relaxing, reading, knitting, or laundry and cleaning the kitchen. (Those last couple aren't terribly exciting, and yet somebody still has to do them sometime. It's usually me. )

I worked in the kitchen much of Saturday, taking care of garden produce. This wasn't exciting either, just hot and not very photo-worthy. I blanched and froze two and a half gallons of snow peas and four quarts of string beans, took care of eight zucchini by making two dozen zucchini muffins and freezing six cups of grated zucchini, and made a big batch of Napa cabbage and ramen salad. (If you make it, I don't toast the ramen in butter, and when I make the dressing, I make twice as much, but halve the amount of sugar and oil. I also don't boil the dressing, I just mix it up in a mason jar. YMMV, but I love the taste of the dressing and could happily eat the salad without any Napa cabbage in it! I don't even mind it on the second day when the ramen is soggy.) There were two dozen muffins there, but Justin stopped by on his way to fish in the Delaware River and had a couple. (I'm probably lucky he didn't eat more.)

John's oldest sister came for a visit and brought me a stunning orchid cactus. I think I had given her cuttings from mine about a decade ago, but my original one has since died. It's wonderful to have a thriving and blooming orchid cactus again, kind of like mine is back again. (Please ignore any porch railings in the photo that need to be painted and/or replaced. That's a home improvement story for another day.) 

I was thrilled to find this hibiscus bud beginning to unfurl on one of my oldest indoor hibiscus plants. (The original story of this one is here.) It hasn't bloomed in a couple of years, so I'm grateful for this blossom.

This is a second hibiscus with the same Polish heritage. When I got it four years ago, it had a serious infestation of whiteflies, and I wasn't sure it would survive. I never got rid of the whiteflies completely, so I sprayed it again this spring and then made the mistake of leaving it outdoors in too bright sunlight too early. Many of the leaves got burned and dropped off, but I'm also grateful that this one looks like it's making a good recovery. The original owners of these hibiscus, Joe and Vicki, have both died, so I want to be extra careful with these living reminders of two lovely family friends. 

So that was my weekend with a nice visit, a lovely gift, lots of work, and still some time to knit and read. I hope your week is off to a good start!


  1. Wow! You sure got a lot accomplished. I was mostly lazy (which is ok). I did meet up with Dee and I did do some knitting and stitching. Also a little bit of necessary cleaning. I don't think I've ever seen an orchid cactus before - it is gorgeous! And those muffins look spectacular!

  2. It sounds like a very busy weekend, Bonny, with many accomplishments. I'm glad you also had time for some knitting and reading. I LOVE that orchid cactus. What a gorgeous plant. And I'm hoping for the demise of the white flies on your porch hibiscus. (I'm fighting some insidious spider mites here . . . ) As far as your porch railings? I think they look charming! XO

  3. Whew! I think you need a weekend from your weekend!

    That orchid cactus is really gorgeous! Wow! (and stay away white flies! boo!) Happy Monday, Bonny!

  4. Yum, those muffins look delicious and I'm amazed they are still around this morning! The blooms are also a welcome sight. I hope you can enjoy all of the above and have a relaxing Monday!

  5. What a productive weekend, Bonny! I'm surprised you found time to read and knit. I have never seen an orchid cactus, and it is beautiful. Those surprise gifts are so wonderful, aren't they? I worked all weekend, tried to read 2 books which I gave up on. Just started Sea of Tranquility, we'll see. Your muffins sound perfect for breakfast - YUM! I looked up napa cabbage ramen salad, and I may have to try that. With this very hot, unrelenting weather, I am all in with cold salads these days. I hope you have a fabulous week.

  6. Wow! You put me to shame with such a productive weekend! I was a lazy bum and spend most of the weekend out on the patio reading, knitting, & stitching. It was a treat after a week of high temps and humidity and nearly four inches of rain on Thursday & Friday. It's back up to the 90s today. I've never heard of an orchid looks like a beautiful plant.

    1. I think it's a much better idea to spend time enjoying the outdoors with weather like that! We could really use some rain, but I'm not sure I want four inches in two days.

  7. Look at all of your beautiful plants! I've been doing lots of weeding with plenty of reading in between. I made blueberry muffins yesterday from local blueberries but, sadly, there were only 2 left this morning and I left them for Dale.

  8. what a wonderful weekend and that salad sounds delicious! (I like your mods too). We have one tomato plant and the chipmunks keep eating the little green tomatoes to be and I haven't a heart to stop them...

  9. Your cactus is incredible. Whatever you are doing it loves it. My mother-in-law (deceased now) had a night blooming cereus she was very proud of getting to bloom each year. (She claimed she had a brown thumb.) I'm happy when I can get orchids to rebloom. Most of mine are now outside on the porch for the summer. (Two inside are still blooming - they smell like vanilla which is really interesting to me.)

    1. I haven't really been doing anything other than watering the orchid cactus for two days! It's a gift from my SiL, so she gets all the credit. I have mixed luck with getting orchids to rebloom, so I'm envious of yours. I think vanilla bean pods come from the vanilla bean orchid, so that might be the connection. I'd love to see a night-blooming cereus!

  10. Wow, those plants are gorgeous, every one of them - I've never heard of an orchid cactus! also envious of all those fresh vegetables (but not of the time you spent prepping them - I hope you had a nice reward waiting after all that work!)

  11. What a beautiful orchid cactus. Like Mary, I've never heard of that plant. The garden produce will be welcome this winter.


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