Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday, and it's a good one. All the menfolk in my family are in Montana, doing masculine things and eating bachelor food. That leaves me here in NJ to knit and read to my heart's content, and that is exactly what I'm doing. 

There has been some unraveling recently. I had this second John Deere Hitchhiker almost all bound off, but then I discovered that I had dropped a stitch. I tried to fix it, but only succeeded in making things worse, so I finally just ripped back to the dropped stitch. As soon as I'm done writing, I'll get this back on the needles, finish knitting and binding off, then it will get a good soak and block. 

Then it's back to the Stormy Night to Bright Light of Dawn Hitchhiker, beautifully and poetically named by Margene.

I wish I was one of those people who could read and knit at the same time, but I'm not, so I've had to make choices. I read Sarah's lovely review of Once More We Saw Stars just before I headed to the library, and am glad I did. I had heard Jayson Greene interviewed several times, but thought that his book sounded far too sad for me to read. Sarah's review convinced me otherwise, and I was lucky enough to find it on the shelf while I was checking out my hold of The Testaments. I read Once More We Saw Stars until the wee hours and will most likely finish it today; it is a stunning book. Then it's on to The Testaments. Good reading and good knitting; I'm as happy as the proverbial pig in poop!

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Pig in Poop cracks me up! Enjoy your time alone - glad all your guys are together doing manly things and hanging out together.

    Both Hitchhikers are gorgeous Bonny. Love the name Margene gave to your latest one. Seems like those John Deere ones have caused a bit of pain though with unraveling. It will be good to have that second one finished!

  2. I chuckled out loud at "eating bachelor food" - so! true! Ha!

    Your new hitchhiker is gorgeous - how beautiful that gradient is! (as is Margene's perfect name!)

  3. I'm glad you picked up the book and are enjoying it. I expected to cry a lot more than I did, honestly, and was really moved by it. Here's hoping you're soon back on track with the John Deere Hitchhiker and make good progress on the other while the men do "manly things"!

  4. Ah, alone time is the best! Wanna eat dinner at 6:15? No one cares!

    I'm glad you are moving along on your Hitchhiker projects. I still have not knit even one yet ...

  5. Enjoy your time...there is something pretty darn alright about a couple of days to yourself! I hope the Deere is soaking and you're on to the next beautiful yarn. You've got me thinking about both those books! (I just said yesterday I had no interest in The Testaments but checking it out on Goodreads may have changed that thought process!)

  6. I'd like to be in Montana, too, I think, especially eating bachelor food! That's too bad about your hitchhiker but I bet you'll be done in no time. I am someone who can read and knit so long as it's just simple round and round socks or something. I don't do it that often, but I definitely can.

  7. Well, bummer! I hate it when that happens, but it is all part of the process, right? I love your new Hitchhiker, and it is aptly named. Since my husband became disabled, there is never alone time for me, and I really miss it. There is something magical about being in the house, all alone (for a while), and doing exactly what you please. Enjoy your time to the fullest! I just finished A Better Man, but as I recall, you are not much of a Louise Penny fan. But I am, and I really enjoyed it. I will have to check out your recommendations, and thanks!

  8. Love how you are spending and enjoying your "home alone" time. Knit,Read and Carry on!


  9. Just beautiful colors in your shawls!!!!! I've been there and had to unravel a lot. Garter fights with me. I don't know why.

    1. Thank you! This was just me being careless and dropping an unnoticed stitch. It's now done and soaking!

  10. I have a hard time fixing dropped stitches in garter...

  11. I said that! I wouldn't have remembered, but when I read it I thought the yarn namer had been quite creative. Wow! Your Hitchhiker lives up to its name!

  12. I hope that hitchhiker is back on the needles by now - or even officially bound off. The next one looks perfect for fall - dreamy rich colors.

  13. while I was away this weekend, I noticed a mistake in my laceweight knitting about 14 rows in. I tried to fix it and made a mess so I ripped it out. I now just remade up those 14 rows!


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