Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Read With Us: It's A New Book

Our leaves here are mainly dry and brown and if John saw me sitting in them reading he would probably yell that it was time to get back to raking, but never mind that. It's time to announce our Fall Read With Us book. 

Simply put, it is a novel about two Irish-Slovak brothers, Peter and Ivan Koubek, who are grieving the death of their father. It explores grief and the ways it is manifested at different times in different people, sibling relationships, and love, familial and otherwise. When I was searching for themes in this book, I especially loved this one: "The novel explores themes such as the fear of being seen as ridiculous." Haven't we all experienced that? (I know I have!)

Our new book is Intermezzo by Sally Rooney. 

The word intermezzo means 
a short connecting instrumental movement in an opera or other musical work, or a light dramatic, musical, or other performance inserted between the acts of a play. It has a special meaning in chess, where it is also known as a zwischenzug or "in-between move". It's a chess tactic where a player makes an unexpected move in the middle of a combination to disrupt their opponent's plans. I've only read a few chapters so far but something tells me that this may be the more appropriate meaning. 

Intermezzo is available in hardcover, on Kindle, and in audiobook format from Amazon or better yet, your local bookstore. You can place a hold at your library, and I know the hold queues are long, but hopefully, your library will acquire enough copies to keep the line moving. 

KymCarole, and I will be talking about the book, giving additional information, and doing promotional posts throughout November. Discussion day for Intermezzo is scheduled for Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 7:00 pm Eastern time, so mark your calendars. We'll ask questions on our blogs that day and then host the always fun, educational, and entertaining Zoom discussion.

I do hope you'll Read With Us. Intermezzo may have messy and imperfect relationships, an unlikeable character or two, and sometimes questionable prose, but there is also love of all sorts. 


  1. Because those of in the Zoom got the early announcement, I was able to put it on "notify me" at the library, put it on hold as soon as I saw the notification, and was number 3 in line, so I've already gotten it and am halfway through. Of course, reading it this early means that I might forget a lot of detail by the time we discuss it, so I'll have to take some notes to refresh my memory before our discussion, but I figured it was better to read now while I could get it than to sit in a really long waitlist.

  2. Yeah, that Zoom advance notice is so helpful if you plan on borrowing from the library! Thanks for the chess definition... I did not know that at all, and I agree, it seems a more fitting description.

  3. I think this selection will make for a really good discussion. I also think it's good for (ahem) "older readers" (us . . . ) to stretch into new generations of writers -- and Sally Rooney is definitely that. When I read some of her first books, I was not really a fan.
    But then I started thinking about them/responding to them through my kids' eyes and experiences (both are "peak millenials" and tend to be the same age as Sally's characters -- and Sally, herself). It gave me a different perspective, and a better context for my reading experience.

  4. I picked up a copy at my library yesterday (surprised I got it so quickly). I haven't started it yet (so many holds came in at once!!). If I have to return it before reading, I will put myself in the queue again...or get it on Audible. Thanks for the chess definition - I hadn't known that meaning.

  5. I have this on hold at the library and it's a long list, but I'm hopeful!

    1. Fingers crossed you get the book in good time and can join us for the discussion!

    2. I put it on hold right away but it's a long list. I have a date in my mind that if it doesn't come in, I will pick it up.

    3. I hope you get it soon. The hold list here at my library is getting better, and I hope yours is, too.

  6. We definitely picked one that people are talking about, it seems that everywhere I go on the internet someone is reviewing this book or writing about Sally Rooney. It's an exciting time for Intermezzo!


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