Thursday, May 9, 2024

What's for Dinner?

I don't remember where I first came across this recipe but I've made it quite a few times and it's one of my favorites. It's easy; there are no special ingredients, and it makes a lot, so there are always leftovers (which is a good thing). Oh, and it tastes good, too! 

It's called Crockpot Cheesy Sausage Tortellini. 

In case you can't read my scribbly writing, here's the recipe with my notes:

24 oz chicken broth (I use unsalted)
18 oz frozen tortellini
5 oz fresh spinach (it comes in 10 oz packages, so I just cut it up and add the whole 10 oz)
1 can diced tomatoes, undrained (I usually use a 28 oz can)
1 kielbasa, cut up
1 block cream cheese (I use Neufchatel cheese and usually just half a block)
salt, pepper, 1.5 Tbsp Italian seasoning
1 c shredded mozzarella cheese
0.5 c shredded Italian cheese blend (I usually don't use plain mozzarella, but use 1.5 c of the Italian cheese blend instead)

Just dump all the ingredients in the crockpot, mix them well, and cook on low for 3-4 hours. Stir it a few times to incorporate everything and mix the melted cream cheese into the chicken broth. One hour before serving, add the shredded cheese and stir once more. 

You could easily make this meatless, and if John wasn't eating dinner here, I would most likely substitute hot sausage for kielbasa and add some crushed red pepper flakes. You could probably substitute ravioli for the tortellini if you prefer, but I think tortellini feel "fancier". There is still some left over in the refrigerator and I might claim it for dinner tonight while John eats venison steaks. Happy eating!


  1. That sounds delicious and like a warm, filling meal!

  2. Looks and sounds delicious, Bonny! (I am not a kielbasa fan, but I bet Italian Sausage would be perfect in it!)

  3. This looks very good, and "riffable", Bonny. I will try it and share it with someone. I wonder if it would freeze? Mmm, probably not. Thanks for this. It looks delicious and very easy.

  4. This sounds good...but probably too much cheese for me. But I could use less cheese!! And I think hot Italian sausage would be perfect!!

  5. Sounds delish! What is it with men and kielbasa? Oh wait. Don't answer that. hahahahaha

  6. I don't know why that post says anonymous . . . that was me being fresh!

  7. I promised myself this week that I would try to eat more sensibly and I'm sitting here starving between meals reading blog posts and now all I can think of is how badly I want some of that-meatless for me but oh, my it looks GOOD.

  8. A good crock pot recipe is hard to beat.

  9. Mmm. Does this recipe make enough for 7 women (light eaters)? My book club is coming to my house on Wednesday and I need to make an entree.

  10. I love a good one-pot/crockpot meal!

  11. Thanks for this recipe - I'm going to make it a vegetarian version because it's so easy to adapt!


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