Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday: 4/3/24

I'm happy to join Kat and the Unravelers with the second installment of my Hitch on the Move. I hope I've knit enough on it that it no longer looks like a bikini like last week. I tried to be careful when taking the photos!

It was dark and very rainy outside when I took these so they're pretty dark. Hopefully, it will be done raining next week and I can take some better pictures outdoors. 

I got a nasty cold and cough from John, so I've been content to drink hot tea, knit, watch Call the Midwife, and breathe in the aroma of Vicks. Despite a pounding headache, I did manage to finish one very good book. I've been fortunate to read a string of ARCs recently with four and five-star ratings, but The God of the Woods was the best of all of them. I loved Heft and The Unseen World, both penned by the talented Liz Moore, so I requested a copy from Edelweiss. While mysteries aren't typically my cup of tea, this novel transcends genre, offering a richly literary and intricately woven narrative populated by finely drawn characters. It delves into themes of family dynamics, social class, privilege, gender politics, and the weight of long-held secrets, all against the backdrop of Camp Emerson nestled in the Adirondacks within the Van Laar Preserve.

Set in 1975, the story centers around the disappearance of camper Barbara Van Laar, a mystery that may (or may not) hold ties to her brother's vanishing in 1961. Moore masterfully employs a non-linear storytelling approach, skillfully building suspense as the narrative unfolds. The novel's unexpected and satisfying conclusion captivated me, fulfilling that elusive craving for a truly gripping read that I don't often encounter. I've said this several times recently, but this book will be among my top favorites this year.

Thank you to Riverhead Books and Edelweiss for providing me with a copy of this book. It will be published on July 2, 2024. There is a giveaway for the book on Goodreads if you are interested. 

What are you making and reading this week? 


  1. Ha! Yes, you've officially gotten past bikini stage! I am sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you're back to 100% soon, and in the meantime keep pushing those fluids and resting!

  2. I hope you're feeling better, Bonny. It's so miserable to have a cold . . . At least you have some good books and a lovely knitting project to entertain you while you recover! Sending the best healing juju your way. . .

  3. Steve had a miserable cold last week and thus far, I have avoided it! (fingers crossed!!) I hope you are feeling better and soon! Your HotM is well past the bikini stage and it is looking good (despite the dreary weather!) That book looks interesting as well!

  4. So sorry about your cold Bonny. I, too, am sending the healing juju your way. Meanwhile, you've made excellent progress on your Hitch on the Move (unlike me - I have not touched mine!). I'm on the wait list (#13) for The God of the Woods at my library - thanks for the recommendation!

  5. A bikini no longer for sure! I'm sorry you have been under the weather and hope you feel better very soon.

  6. I hope you feel better soon!! Beautiful knitting, may it keep you in good company as you get well.

  7. That pattern amazes me. How you get those ends to join so seamlessly is a mystery.
    I'm covered in Vicks today myself. We're on our third day of rain and my head and sinuses are killing me. I've got a nice warm hat on and VIcks all over my head. I love that new roll up tube version of it.

    1. When I gather enough gumption to go out in the wind and rain to get more drugs I will have to look for that roll-on Vicks!

  8. I'm sorry to hear you have a nasty virus. As Kym recently wrote, it is always something. I hope you feel better soon. The shawl is sure pretty. I know they do tend to look like a bikini when we first get started but yours is gaining speed.

  9. I hope you're feeling better ... I must say, the 2nd photo of your Hitch on the Move made me smile - the colors are fantastic!


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