Monday, April 1, 2024

Mistaken Identity

Okay, I learned my lesson on Friday and I will not be posting about politics again. I've been berated, chided, maligned, and spammed. But here is another important news story that I feel compelled to tell you about. (In case you're wondering, this is not an April Fool's joke!) Last Thursday, a woman took what she thought was a baby hedgehog to Lower Moss Nature Reserve and Wildlife Hospital in Cheshire, England.

She noticed it on the side of the road and after she observed that it "hadn't moved or pooped all night" she scooped it up in a box with some cat food. She didn't look at it closely or handle it because she didn't want to further stress the hedgehog. 

Once the staff at the wildlife hospital had examined the hedgehog they were able to determine that it was actually a pom-pom from a hat. “She was so concentrated on doing the right thing. She was concerned it hadn’t moved or even pooed — that would be spooky if it had,” veterinarian Janet Kotze added. 

The fact that the pom-pom was mistaken for a hedgehog and "rescued" is funny enough (but certainly understandable). It was the vet's comment that really made me laugh. 

I hope your week is off to a good start. You can be sure that I'll report any important news stories if I come across them, but stay tuned for the announcement of our spring Read With Us book tomorrow!


  1. This is such a funny story Bonny! I love it - a pom-pom mistaken as a hedgehog. Hahahahaha

  2. Oh, that's rich! I'm sorry you got attacked for posting about politics, people are wild on the internet.

  3. I'm sorry but it looks like a pom pom!! golly!!

  4. I really hope that woman has poor eyesight and not just poor intelligence!

  5. Okay... I am laughing so hard at this post! (and nodding along with Sarah's thoughts!) Poor pom-pom... lol!!

  6. I immediately saw a pom-pom, but her heart was definitely in the right place! I hope she doesn't have to endure endless jokes about this for the rest of her life.

  7. Replies
    1. I don't think so, although I guess it's possible. I read the story last Thursday, so it was a little early for April Fool's.

  8. I'm pretty sure I was freaked out by a similar pom pom on my (walking) commute to work last week. I kept seeing a sizeable tuft of black fur and wondered what it came from - a skunk? a dog? It moved around a bit in the wind and rain. I finally decided it was one of those creepy faux fur pom poms (it never occurred to me to "rescue" it). I've never understood the attraction of putting those on perfectly wonderful wool hats. Such a mismatch!

  9. Oh, this just makes me smile! I can SO see this happening. I have a couple of unused (fuzzy pompoms in one of my stash bins. I caught a glimpse of one when I was digging around in my yarn recently and my heart stopped because I thought it was a mouse in my bin!!!! So glad it was only a pompom. . . (And I am so sorry for the comments and general nastiness you had to put up with last week.)

  10. Oh Lordy!!! I guess I should check my hats and make sure my pom-poms really ARE pom-poms.

    (Seriously ...................that is CLEARLY a pom pom. How did she not FEEL the difference when she put it in the box! Drinking again, Ethel??????? Clearly so!)

  11. This made me laugh out loud, but at the same time I feel for that poor woman who was trying to be kind. I'd rather hang out with the woman who rescued the pom-pom than with the people who left you nasty comments last week!

    1. Thank you, Debbie! The rescuer clearly meant well! :-)

  12. I heard this yesterday on the news but I hadn't seen a photo until now. That's pretty crazy.

  13. Oh my goodness. I also love the vet's comment. Thank goodness that pom-pom didn't breathe or move. I'm sorry you had to put up with the nasty comments about your previous post. I do wish we could turn down the political rhetoric a bit.


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