Monday, August 14, 2023


My weekend was a combination of heat, humidity, rain, thunderstorms, and even multiple tornado warnings at 2:00 am. None of those things were very welcome, but we did not have any actual tornadoes in the vicinity, so all I had to deal with was some interrupted sleep. 

But there were several good things in addition to the interrupted sleep. The first was a double rainbow after a quick downpour.

The other good thing was that I spent a lovely Saturday morning knitting and chatting away with Dee and Vera, and then we had a delicious lunch before returning to regular life. In fact, I had so much fun that no photos were taken, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Thanks for including me in your Saturday get-together, Dee and Vera! 

(Dee did take this fun photo of a kitty in the window of a tractor-trailer at Starbucks, and I like it so much, I stole it from her Instagram.)

I hope your week is off to a good start!


  1. Ha! I should have stolen her photo too! It was great to get together with you again Bonny. We always have such a nice time. Let's do it again before too much time goes by.

  2. How nice that you were able to get together with Vera and Dee to knit! I'm not surprised that you neglected to take any photos -- you were all too busy solving the world's problems! We also had some tornado warnings here (and a tornado did actually touch down in a county southeast of us), but sadly no rainbows.

  3. the best kind of living is when you forget to take photos! I do it all the time with the kids. Glad you had a fun gathering.

  4. We had much the same weather here... (they think a tornado hit just south of us.) I am really ready for the humidity to move on. (and I love the trucker who has a cat!) I am so glad you had a tiny knitting break with Vera and Dee!

  5. I am so jealous of you three getting together! I so wish I lived closer . . . so maybe you'd invite me, too. I am not jealous, though, of the 2am tornado warning you experienced. THAT is never fun -- and the warnings in the middle of the night are the most disconcerting of all. Yikes. I'm glad you were able to capture the double-rainbow with your camera, Bonny. I always love spotting a rainbow -- and a double is a real treasure. XO

  6. I am so glad you were able to join us. It was a very fun day.

    We didn't have the tornado warnings, but we had a hella-rain storm that woke us up. I was a little concerned about the oak trees on our road. They were really whipping around.

  7. What a cute photo! It sounds like you had a nice weekend except for those tornado warnings--I don't like it when they come at night! Our weekend was quite humid & steamy and the thunderstorms that rolled through seemed to make it worse. I didn't see any rainbows and, thankfully, we didn't have any tornado warnings. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Isn't that cat adorable? I did kind of wonder how they managed the litter box, but it would seem like good company on a long haul. I will be happy to get rid of some of this heat and humidity and it sounds like you would also welcome that!

  8. Knitting & chatting away with friends... it doesn't get much better than that! Lucky you!!

  9. oh I LOVE that you were able to meet up with Dee & Vera - what a treat - and thank you for sharing a glimpse of it with us.


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