Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Unraveled Wednesday: 10/26/22

I'm happy to join Kat and fellow Unravelers for Unraveled Wednesday, especially because Kat was kind enough to host this Unraveled Wednesday at the end of her vacation. It's rainy, dark, and dreary outside here, so all I've got for you is a blob of blue sweater. I haven't yet reached the point where I separate the body and sleeve stitches, but I really hope to be there by next week. (We'll see how much the topsoil spreading project interferes with knitting!)

Even if I didn't get as much knitting done as I had hoped, I did manage to finally finish several books this week. I read Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng and while I enjoyed her previous books, this one was only two stars for me. Maureen is the third book in the Harold Fry trilogy, and thanks to Kat's recommendation and an eye-catching cover, I was able to read a pre-publication copy from Netgalley; I rated this one five stars. A History of Present Illness was a quick read that I rated as four stars because it was honest. And I finally finished Wolf Hall and An Immense World. I've been listening to these last two for weeks (and months in the case of An Immense World) but they were solid five-star books and I'm glad I read them. Wolf Hall was very long and I was interested in reading the second book in the trilogy (Bring Up the Bodies) but I think I'll have to wait until I build up my reading stamina before I attempt that one. The third book is even longer, so I'm considering watching it on Masterpiece Theater. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. The blob of blue is looking good, Bonny. I always feel like I'm "almost done" once I get to the divide-for-sleeves mark. (Even though it's not really the case. It just feels like such a milestone!) I loved Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, although I read them as they were first published, so I had a wait of years between the two. I did slog through the third book; it is WAY too long and rehashes much of the first two along the way. I recommend a loooong break before reading that one. . . ;-) (Masterpiece Theatre is probably the way to go!)

  2. I know that sweater stage so well -- you're so close to an exciting transition point, but those rows are so long! Pretty soon you'll have split off the sleeves and you'll be flying on the body.

    I read the first two Hilary Mantel books, and while they were good, I found them both to be a slog. When the third one came out, I just couldn't bring myself to read it. I did enjoy the Masterpiece version of Wolf Hall, though!

  3. Your "blob" is coming along very nicely Bonny! I bet you get to the sleeve divide before too long. "Maureen" looks and sounds good (love the cover) - does it make sense to read the first two in the trilogy? (A blurb says it can be red as a stand-alone.) And, "An Immense World" looks fascinating!

  4. bummer about the Ng book, I really like her previous two as well. I'll make sure it's a library read well actually I'm trying to make all fiction library reads :) Slow and steady wins the sweater knitting race!!

  5. I've sort of meant to read Wolf Hall but it's SO long that I just haven't brought myself to undertake it.

  6. I enjoyed all three of Hilary Mantel's books in this trilogy, but my favorite was Bring Up the Bodies. An Immense World is one of my favorites of the year and, even though it was long, I could have continued listening to Ed Yong teach me animal science. I'm currently reading Demon Copperhead and at the half way point, I'm compelled to keep reading, but not sure of my thoughts on it yet.

    1. Wolf Hall was so long that I barely got through it (and that was listening)! I will probably read the second book at some point but there's no way I can face the third at 38 hours. I completely agree with you about An Immense World. I will probably re-read it at some point so I can re-visit all the fascinating information I missed the first time. I have Demon Copperhead on hold, but won't get it for a long time, so I'll be interested in your thoughts.

  7. I have not read Hilary Mantel's books, but my husband really enjoyed them. Masterpiece's Wolf Hall is one of the best productions I have ever seen, and Mark Rylance is an absolute wonder in the role of Thomas Cromwell, so I highly recommend it. As I am sure I have mentioned before, I try to get everything I read from the library these days, but my library is really failing me these days. I think their funding has been cut, or they have changed their priorities for ordering books, so the choices have become very limited for me. I need to "give over" and just start buying them again. My entertainment and enrichment is worth it. Your sweater is zooming along, Bonny. Great progress!

  8. Masterpiece Theatre is almost always a good idea. I haven't read those books but Maureen does appeal to me. I know that part of the sweater where the rows seem long. Separating for the sleeves always feels like a milestone to me. Hang in there.

  9. I've just finished "The Herd" by Emily Edwards, and I've been crocheting pigs!

  10. We absolutely loved watching Wolf Hall on Masterpiece Theatre... wonderful production!

  11. Loving your sweater progress! (I am happy to report that I actually picked up the knitting upon our return home yesterday! Whew!) And now I am off to find that on Masterpiece Theatre!


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