Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Unraveled Wednesday: 5/11/22

I'm joining Kat and fellow Unravelers for Unraveled Wednesday, with an Antler cardigan that's very close to being done. My buttons haven't arrived yet, but I'm happy to give the Hitchhiker some monogamous attention in the meantime.

I spent the afternoon on Sunday making buttonholes I was happy with and decided to block it on Monday. It's still drying, and I thought about taking it outside for a better photo, but it's oak catkin season and I did not want to spend another afternoon picking little bits and pieces off of the sweater. So ignore the blotchiness and shadows as they are artifacts from the dining room chandelier. I hope the buttons arrive this week and I can show you a final photo of a completely finished sweater (one where I'm actually wearing it) next week!

Last week, I finished The Winners, Remarkably Bright Creatures, Unwinding Anxiety, and The Book of Form and Emptiness; they were all three stars for me. I'm working on finishing Young Mungo (and taking notes as I read), and I started Bittersweet. Susan Cain authored Bittersweet so I was happy to be one of the first on the hold list at the library. Her book Quiet felt life-changing (or life-affirming at the very least) to me, and I'm finding Bittersweet to be much the same so far. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Your Antler Cardigan looks wonderful Bonny - even without the buttons yet! Congratulations on such a pretty finish.

  2. Quiet looks interesting! How did I miss that? :)

    But your sweater! Gosh, it is gorgeous Bonny! It will be a welcome friend this fall and winter (and I really hope not before then!)

    My making? Well... I started another sweater but I need to get some sock yarn wound! (My plan is to send Sam a pair of socks for "father's day" from his pup! Ha!)

  3. The cardigan is really lovely! I would imagine it will get a lot of wear (even if not right away in the coming months).

  4. First off, your cardigan is just SPLENDID! Every element looks just . . . perfect. The cables, the ribbing, the button bands. Every detail. You're just going to love wearing it . . . next fall. ;-) I can't wait to see it ON you (and with the extra-special buttons). I have been looking forward to reading Bittersweet! Like you, Quiet was life-affirming for me. (I recommend that book - still - all the time.) I really liked The Book of Form and Emptiness, but I didn't think it wasn't as strong as A Tale for the Time Beings (not sure if you've read that one).

  5. Would you look at that (almost) finished sweater! I think it probably counts as finished even without the buttons -- after all, you could wear it now, if you needed to, without the buttons, though they will certainly add the finishing touch. I'll be interested to hear what you think about Bittersweet; I also really enjoyed Quiet and have heard a bit about the new book.

  6. beautiful finish!! You must love it all the more now that it's finished. I love having a new to me finished sweater to wear in the fall that I finished in the spring/summer seasons.

  7. Your sweater looks great & I can't wait to see you wearing it! It will be perfect for next fall! When I first read Quiet I felt like she wrote it just for me, it was very life affirming for me and I look forward to reading her new book. The only thing I've been making this week is some headway on weeding my garden, planting some flowers, and cleaning off my patio.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! Dee made a suggestion above that I might wear the sweater to NJ Sheep & Wool in the fall (it's a small, local show) and I think it's an excellent idea! Making some headway on outdoor chores is a good thing so you can enjoy your garden and patio.

  8. Hooray for a (nearly) completed sweater! It's so satisfying when it's blocked, isn't it? It's going to be fabulous and I'm looking forward to modeled shots once the buttons have arrived. You read some great books, too!

  9. That Antler Cardigan will be a wardrobe staple! Lovely AND practical.

  10. What a great week for (almost) finishing a sweater and reading! I have both of Susan Cain's books on my hold list right now. Somehow I managed to miss Quiet and now that Bittersweet is out, the line is long for both. I've heard so many good things about both - I look forward reading them ... in July? August?

  11. The Antler Cardigan looks great. Cardigans are a little fiddly with the buttonbands and all. You have done a wonderful job. I imagine you will really enjoy it. Thanks for the tip about Bittersweet. Quiet was also life changing and affirming for me. Finally I realized that my introverted nature was just fine - part of who I am. Here's hoping those buttons show up in your mailbox any day now.


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