Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Purl, Purl, Slip ...

That is how I dealt with things last week. I had a bunch of partial balls of the lovely yarn I used for my Antler cardigan and decided I needed to find a way to use them. After the Buffalo shooting but before the Uvalde massacre I remembered the Project Peace pattern I knit back in 2017. I also remembered what a slog it was in fingering yarn, but thought DK weight might be perfect (and it is). I had two days of worry-inducing cardiac testing to take care of last week (no definitive answers yet), so I thought I could knit while sitting in various waiting rooms throughout the hospital and peacefully pass the time. 

But then on Tuesday, the next horrific mass shooting happened and I needed Peace more than ever. When Justin was living and working in TX, he wasn't far from Uvalde and had to go there or to Del Rio if he needed something in the big city. I had a too-vivid mental picture of him on the streets of Uvalde with a shooter on those same streets. I know that every single shooting involves someone's loved ones, and a person carrying a gun can probably be found on every street in the United States. The more personal shootings begin to feel, the more we know we must do something to stop this. I can not understand how owning a gun and making money matter more to do-nothing politicians and NRA members than our very lives and those of our loved ones.

I've written all the letters I can, donated at the gofundme hub, and sent my check to the Robb School Memorial Fund. Each of us has to deal with horrendous news in our own way and still keep moving. I have to go to the grocery store this morning, and I hardly leave the house anymore without thinking about gun violence and how close we all are. I hope you are each finding your own safe and peaceful way. I'm just going to keep moving with purl, purl, slip. 


  1. I'm glad you could find some peaceful knitting in these trying times. Sending all the good juju for good test results for you...sometimes waiting for results is the worst part.

  2. Oh Bonny, what a week you had! I'm glad your knitting has provided some comfort. Thanks for posting about the memorial fund. Sending a check is something else I can do to help!

  3. Bonny, what to say? I have said and thought it all, but I have found no peace. Guess I should knit more. I have been having lots of cardiac problems as well, and I am doing all I can to avoid an invasive procedure. Getting old is not for the weak, I tell ya! Here's hoping your test results come back showing your open heart is tougher than you think. I am sending you virtual hugs and will be thinking of you. (I never want to hear the phrase thoughts and prayers again.)

  4. It's hard to find a way forward right now. I'm glad you were able to find comfort in your knitting, and that you could find some positive ways to take action. I, too, am sending all the best juju your way -- for results and answers and solutions. XOXO

  5. You have the perfect knitting project - may it bring comfort. It's hard to feel empowered when we pull all the levers we have and our "elected" (gerrymandered) officials still don't listen. I'll be attending a vigil and walk here later this week. Keep breathing!

  6. Waiting on test results is hard, finding peace while doing so and in spite of insane and scary violent situation, sounds very difficult. I'm glad knitting brought you solace.

  7. What an excellent project, Bonny! I have been contemplating another Hitchhiker, but maybe a handspun Peace Cowl is exactly what I need. I have likewise been calling and making a donation as I can. I took out all my raging anger on the never ending garden weeds. One other thing I did was write the names of each victim in my meditation journal... I have been holding one person close with me in my meditation time each morning... and that coupled with Amanda Gorman's poetry has been so incredibly good.

  8. The Project Peace cowl is a great idea. I hope knitting while waiting is comforting to you. I have been reading a little at a time about the most recent shooting. I have all five grandchildren in public schools and I do worry about them. Sending children to school shouldn't have to be an act of bravery. I'm holding a good thought about your medical testing.

  9. gorgeous project and I'm gravitating to simple mindless knitting these days.


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