Monday, January 3, 2022

Bits and Pieces for the New Year

After knitting a bit on a Hitchhiker that I started five years ago, partaking in a festive afternoon of toilet fixing at Ryan's house (we replaced the wax seal successfully with no leaks!), going to bed at 10:30 on New Year's eve, and taking down some Christmas decorations, I've got some bits and pieces for the New Year.

I really dislike going to the grocery store, so occasionally I reward myself with some sort of treat if I see something. While I was in the grocery store a couple of days before Christmas (along with everyone else) I saw this instant espresso. I haven't had brewed espresso so I can't really compare the taste, but this makes a nice afternoon pick-me-up, especially if I use one of my espresso cups and demitasse spoon to make it more special.

Look what else I saw at the grocery store on December 23rd - Valentine candy! It's just a little bit too early for me. I would probably eat it all well before February.

I was looking through some of the pictures on my laptop and found these - our last big outing before covid. That's John and his younger sister at the Plumsteadville Pub for her birthday. We went on February 22, 2020, and haven't been back since. 

Seven of our family members got together that evening, and I would have had an extra beer or two if I had known. I wonder if we'll feel safe going this year? 

We've had a gray and rainy week, but at least it wasn't snow. I was able to get out in the woods with Justin. He's been hunting a new way, with a saddle and platform instead of a tree stand. I'll spare you the details, but that dark silhouette you see standing 25 feet up in the tree is Justin. 

Here he is demonstrating how he hangs in the tree, but this is just a few feet above the ground, not the usual 25-30 feet up. I tried not to say "Be careful" too many times. 

The sun did come out for a few hours and it was at the perfect time to hit the prism I've got hanging in my kitchen window. It was lovely to see (especially if you ignore my dirty windows). 

I am anxiously awaiting the hat pattern that Hunter Hammersen has been teasing us with for a while now. She is collaborating with Gauge Dyeworks who is dyeing three different colorways to use for this hat. You can use that link to be notified when the yarn is available. I've been calling it "the feather hat", but I'm sure she'll have a much better name. Hunter has said that the pattern will be available early in the new year, have several different variations, and also info on how to use other yarn. I am completely entranced and can not wait!

What are you anxiously awaiting in 2022? 


  1. I won't lie -- when I first saw that photo of Justin up in a tree, I thought it was a man hanging, and not willingly! I can well understand the urge to tell him to be careful more times than he wants to hear it.

    That instant espresso sounds like a nice treat, and I think the same stuff is used in some baking recipes alongside chocolate.

    I can't think of anything specific I'm looking forward to this year, except for maybe spring. We only just got home yesterday and I'm already sick of the cold!

  2. I bought espresso powder for the first time right before Christmas for a recipe for chocolate cookies. I don't know if it really added much flavor but the cookies were great. I go back to work tomorrow and I can't say I'm looking forward to it but some routine will be welcome, I suppose.

  3. I miss the before days immensely. Life was simpler and I worried less :) Happy New Year and my this year be filled with good health and many blessings for you and your family.

  4. I am on the notification list for That Yarn, too. I have been watching Hunter's hat teasing with GREAT interest. . . And sometimes we really do need to look away when our children are . . . well, just doing what we hoped they WOULD do . . . (take risks, try new things, do what they love, etc.). It's so unnerving, though, to watch them actually do it! And I really like the idea of treats-while-grocery-shopping. XO

  5. I love the idea of treats while grocery shopping. (And I need to do a post about my stove top espresso pot... it makes such excellent coffee and is the best way to start the day!)

    Oh my! How did I miss that hat? I signed up to be notified... perhaps this can be a "bloggers-knit-along" :)

  6. I'm always on the outlook for something fun to add to my cart. I love brewed espresso after a meal (when we go out) but you have me looking forward to trying one at home-in proper china, of course!

  7. I almost ordered espresso powder from the King Arthur website - for use in baking. But it would be nice to have some espresso on hand for brewing. I've been making herbal teas in the afternoon - they are soothing and good, but I often just want a nap! LOL That hat looks so interesting and fun. I can't think of anything in particular I am looking forward to - maybe getting back together with Dee! I've been holding off after Anna tested positive for Covid at Christmas. Soon though I think it will be safe!

  8. I have some petrified instant expresso powder that I used in cooking, but I have never tried to make a beverage with it. I would have to drink it early in the day or I would be up all night. Justin is always getting into something! Was he like this as a kid? I would have had to look away a lot! But he does seem to enjoy himself quite a bit, and that's great. That hat looks really cute. I eagerly anticipate your adventure with it. The before times, will we ever feel so free again? I feel so changed by the pandemic, but hopefully someday it will be a dim memory. Happy first Monday of the New Year, Bonny.

  9. That knitting project looks like fun!! Happy New Year!

  10. Those hats look like such fun to knit! I signed up to be notified. I've only used espresso powder for baking, but brewing a cup sounds good too. I hope 2022 is off to a good start for you!

    1. I can hardly wait for the hat pattern and yarn to be available! I have a chocolate cake recipe that calls for espresso powder, so now that I have some it might be an excuse to bake the cake. I hope 2022 is treating you well, Debbie!

  11. The hats look like a lot of fun. The tree stand setup is new to me. I probably would have worn out the "please be careful" line. My kids still tease me about my instructions to wear "a helmet everywhere." My daughter sent me an angel sun-catcher/prism for Christmas. Those photos of the last outing in 2020 are great. Sometimes I think it's a good thing we don't know what is coming.


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