Friday, January 19, 2024


I have a busy day today with lots of driving and appointments, but I read an article in the Washington Post the other day that stopped me in my tracks. (I've gifted this article to you, so it should not be behind a paywall.) Some of you may have read it, but I wanted to share just in case you hadn't seen it.

After I started it, I wondered who the author was, and upon checking, I was not surprised to find that it was authored by Anne Lamott. She writes, "My spirits are regularly flattened by the hardships of the world, of our country and of the people I love..." but in this piece, she reminded me about hope and miracles. Whether that is in the form of bigger underwear, Oreos, or quotes from Einstein and Martin Luther King, I hope you've got miracles around you and you're able to see them.


  1. Wow, what an essay! Thank you so much for sharing this link. I suppose reflecting on things like this is a sign of aging, but I welcome it. I only wish I'd learned to look for and appreciate all the miracles around me much sooner, but I suppose it takes living and experience to get to this point.

    Happy weekend, Bonny! May yours be filled with miracles.

  2. she is one of my favorite writers, her raw truth shines forth brilliantly!!

  3. Beautiful article. Thank you for sharing Bonnt. Reminds me I have one of her books upstairs that I have yet to read....Happy Weekend. Be safe on your errands (snowing here) and have a warm and cozy weekend!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing that incredible essay from Anne Lamott, Bonny. She just always has a way of summing things up and making one think -- and be happy to be alive. And . . . THAT SUNSET (or maybe sunrise???) is absolutely stunning. Sky. On. Fire.

  5. Can anything beat the wisdom of dear Anne Lamott? I think not... but it feels so good to be in the tribe of womanly bottomed, biggest underwear wearers. Thank you so much for sharing... I needed it today!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing Anne’s essay. Powerful words!

  7. Thank you for sharing Anne Lamott's wonderful essay! It is just what I needed to read as I take a break to warm up from shoveling or "pushing" the snow on this freezing cold morning. The miracle is just how beautiful everything looks in the sunshine.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Debbie! So far our snow is just "pushable" and no glimmering sunshine yet, but maybe tomorrow.

  8. Very good article. I especially liked that we are ageless on the inside. Yes, every once in awhile I buy one of those "miracles". So far miracle there, but plenty others that I didn't have to buy, they just came along with life.

  9. I did see that article. I was doing my early morning doom scrolling when it stopped me in my tracks. It's too easy to ignore all the good when the bad is screaming so loudly for attention. I need to do a better job of tuning it out. It really gets to me some days.

    1. During the pandemic, I used to tell my kids that if they weren't depressed, upset, concerned, etc., they probably weren't paying attention. But we can't pay attention to all of the the bad all the time; sometimes we have to look for some good (especially in this election year).

  10. Thanks so much for sharing this, Bonnie. It made my day. Sorry, google will only let me comment anonymously

  11. I did see this, Bonny, and it came on my mother's birthday, just like a miracle. My vision is not so certain, nor are my beliefs as sure as Anne Lamott's, but I would certainly like to be her. She has the talent to lift up the heart, and that is truly a gift.

  12. Thank you for sharing! It made me smile to see myself mirrored in it!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it and could see yourself in Lamott's writing!

  13. What a wonderful article. I love Lamott's take on aging, being ageless on the inside. I also like to think that as we age, we better understand what's important in life. It is important to look for the good in the world. We are all going to need as much goodwill as we can muster this election year. All of this cold wonderful snow after so many dry seasons and in this time of climate change feels like a miracle to me.

  14. Thank you for the article! Lamott is a favorite of mine; she gets right to the heart of something in a way that makes me think.


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