Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Isn't It Marvelous?

Coronavirus and the havoc that it is wreaking on the world are terrifying, but we also live in a time in which we are uniquely qualified to deal with it.

I can contact my kids by cell phone or Discord to check-in. John has set up his office in the tiny third bedroom here in MD and I can hear his staff meeting in progress. I have a multitude of things to watch on streaming services and books to download electronically almost instantly from the library. I will never again feel the need to justify my yarn stash, to myself or anyone else. Just the existence of it made me happy as I loaded up on projects to bring to MD. These are the things that I find marvelous.

We can connect with each other through our blogs and Instagram. I look forward to and enjoy reading posts from many of you. It reassures me that you and your families are doing okay, and I also appreciate you sharing your experiences, ideas, and links. So thank you for your connection, friendship, and spending some of your time here with me. It's always been important to me, and especially now. 

Besides feeling connected to the world outside my home (even if I'm physically isolated) meditation has been most helpful to me. Here are some of the resources I've been using:

Weekly Podcast at the Hammer (you can listen to the Mindfulness of Washing Hands!)

Mindfulness Resources from UCSD (guided audio and video, mindful poetry, and research)

Guided Meditations from UCLA (free guided meditations via app or download)

Tara Brach (26 pages of basic meditations, heart meditations, open awareness, and special meditations)

I hope some of these might help allay fear and provide focus. 

Stop Panic, Clean Hands, Open Hearts 


  1. Yes, you are right, we are so lucky to be able to stay in contact with our families and friends. A major gratitude point in all this mess! It also sounds like you are putting your energies to good use, practicing mindfulness and making the best of a bad situation. I think that's as good as it gets these days. It is early days, so it is best to start practicing good habits now. So, you decided to stay in MD? Thanks so much for the links. I will check them all out! I love your olive googly eyes, Bonny! Have a good day.

  2. Excellent points about the resources so many of us have, Bonny!

  3. Checking on loved ones a click away is a great benefit. Not having to go to a 'work place' to work...well, it has to get done, better safe.

    1. None of this is ideal, but it is certainly good to be able to communicate with friends and family in these strange times!

  4. I'm glad y'all are coping ... are you hunkered down in MD for the duration? My online community and FaceTime are saving me. (along with Marc. I cannot imagine how crazy I'd be if I were here by myself with Holly. oh, and naps!). Keep well, my friend.

  5. I thought calling girlfriends might come back in fashion, but no, everyone just wants to text. :)

  6. We're still pretty much business as usual during the day because we can go to work (though Doug will be working from home beginning next week foreverrrrrr (whatever that means...). But...these weekends are strange and the streets are empty! Thank-you for helping to turn frowns upside down!

  7. Thanks for the links! I took the dog for a walk this afternoon and that really helped us both!

    1. I hope you are staying safe, healthy, and dealing with things as well as possible! 

  8. Luv your optics + message. No panic. Hands clean. Heart wide open, Merci,

  9. Excellent links! Thank you! (and I have found great solace in the poetry podcasts these days!)

  10. I am going to look at some of these meditation links. Excellent idea. And the stash thing - yes and yes. I spent some time today looking through two bins of yarn and feeling so fortunate to have so much at my fingertips. Those are beautiful crescent rolls or are they croissants.

  11. Yes, so glad we can all stay in touch. Thanks for the links and for the olives and crescent rolls!! Assume you are hunkered down in MD? Heart is open and hands have been washed. Have been knitting, but time to switch to reading for a bit. Stay healthy and well my friend.

  12. Thank you for sharing these links. I've mostly been keeping my anxiety at bay, but I'm sure that as time goes on I'm going to need to take a more active approach to stay calm. I'm glad to hear that you have plenty to keep you occupied and have taken this opportunity to fully ignore the rule that you shouldn't play with your food!

  13. We'll get through it. We really well. Thanks for helping to turn our frowns . . . upside down! XO

  14. thank you for these links! My nerves are a bit frazzled but like you said, we have internet and so far more than enough food and soap to weather this virus.


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