Thursday, January 9, 2020

Three on Thursday

I'm joining Carole and friends for Three on Thursday, today with three interesting, funny, and/or weird articles I read this week. The news is increasingly concerning, depressing, and dire, but I promise you that none of these stories can be described like that (unless you are concerned about aliens or pigs.)

This photo doesn't have anything to do with the following articles; it's just a happy cross-section of grass under the microscope.

I know that you're all creative and express your creativity in many different ways. This article might be preaching to the choir, but it's nice to read that all this creativity is good for your health (and I would add your soul, too!)

A friend sent me this, and the combination of Jesus, KFC, and an alien named Stevie sounded so strange that I hoped it might be true. It did happen in Florida after all! Alas, it was fake news

My neighbor is in England for an extended visit with her granddaughter. She occasionally sends me links to news that she thinks I might find funny. This story happened in Siberia, but the ever-vigilant British reported on the three not-so-little pigs, complete with photos. 

Here's hoping the real news becomes a little less terrible.

Be sure to visit Carole for more Three on Thursday thoughts.


  1. First of all, though it has nothing to do with your links, I love that picture. Who knew that if you looked at grass under a microscope, you see smiley faces?!

    Thanks for some entertaining links this morning. I feel like in light of the third one, we need to update "This little piggy went ..." to "This little piggy went to market and went hog wild!"

  2. INCREDIBLE photo! I'm guessing that's grass WITHOUT Round-Up sprayed all over it. How crazy would it be to compare? Do you think sprayed grass might have frowny faces? I'd say that'd be reasonable!!

    1. Lots of things appear quite different and beautiful under a microscope -- nerve cells that look like fireworks, chalk made up of geometric plankton skeletons, and even table salt. It's a different world!

  3. GMTA! I just listened to that Life Kit episode about more creativity in your life! AND, I am laughing at those pigs!

    But, who knew grass was so lovely up close!

  4. Oh Bonny! These are just so great. There are a number of folks who will get an e-mail from me with the links to the "ticket to heaven" and the pigs gone hog wild. Just the best.

    The grass photo is so beautiful...but I think the smiley faces might be from the aliens mentioned in the FL story!

  5. I've bookmarked these to read them later but knowing you I know they will be great!

  6. Great links and photo! The grass is amazing.

  7. Oh, Bonny! Thank you for these marvelous links! XO

  8. Hello, Bonnie. The grass cross-section looks like it could be replicated in knitting! It's very attractive and smile-inducing.

    I wonder how the pigs felt after their visit to the supermarket.


    1. Now that's an interesting idea -- photo micrographs replicated in knitting! I think I'll leave that to you as colorwork is not my forte. :-)

  9. Thats some happy grass.....or is it weed? Lol

  10. This has to be the best post I've read ... everything about it is uplifting! I laughed out loud - especially about the pigs. Sad that people are so gullible - the ticket buyers...Just sharin' that I was "hamburger" challenged - but managed, finally, to get it done. Clever "zine!"

  11. Thank you, Bonny. That was the first time I had a spontaneous smile today. All God's creatures like to get a buzz on now and then - hilarious! I enjoyed all of the articles. Feel free to share any other articles as they come in.

  12. I'll be perusing the links once I get home! And the photo is awesome!

  13. I love reading news that makes me smile - thank you! (and I clicked through a link in the pig story to read about an opossum in Florida who got drunk ... don't think that one was fake news ;-)


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