Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday. I had some revelations yesterday - gift knitting (or any knitting I feel that I have to do, especially with a deadline) can be boring; I seem to be easily distracted by shiny new knitting possibilities, but I do have the power to resist casting with really lovely yarn (at least so far). 

I'm still working on Christmas fingerless mitts, slowly but surely. It's amazing how fast I can knit in my mind, yet how slowly it happens in real life. While I knit another round of camouflage yarn, I've been daydreaming about that beautiful yarn I went back to the Loopy Ewe for, and what it might want to become. I'm thinking a Sockhead Cowl, but I'm not sure yet. It's time to get back to gift knitting and daydream some more.

On the reading front, I finished Farsighted, The Art of Logic In An Illogical World, Marilla of Green Gables, and Becoming, and reviewed them on goodreads so it's really final, and now I can start two new ones. Fox 8 and The Good Neighbor look very promising, but do yourself a favor and read Becoming. It was better than I even hoped.

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Ooo! That Sockhead Cowl!! I am knitting a Sockhead hat right now for a bit of "gift knitting" but that Sockhead cowl might be next up!

    I am on the UBER long wait list for Becoming... patience!

  2. Isn't that the truth about "mind knitting" versus "real knitting!" I'm always getting tricked by my mind - lol. The sockhead cowl looks fabulous (have added to my library) - that might be the ticket to cure my "lack of cowl" rather than trying the lace pattern again....

    Super long wait for Becoming, but I will be patient.

  3. Anything in my imagination is generally better than reality when it comes to crafting. If only I could create what I generally have in my head! I do need to make a Sockhead cowl this year. It's so cold here. I think we may be in for a cold winter ahead. I have dandelion puff hair, so I need to find a yarn that won't make me look like I am electrocuted when I take it off. I am think maybe alpaca and silk; I'll have to think on that. I am 135 on the hold list for Becoming; I think it may be a while, but often I am surprised how quickly that list moves. I appreciated your book reviews, Bonny.

  4. I completely agree about Becoming. Just loved it and Michelle as narrator, too. I rarely gift knit because I would rather give when the spirit calls, but I am knitting Smith a hat this year. It's going quickly...when I knit on it.

  5. I daydream about SO MANY PROJECTS at this time of year... the spirit of giving, the desire to keep my loved ones warm, the many tempting & gorgeous projects in my Ravelry Favorites, and it's COLD OUTSIDE! Haha. I need more hands and much more time. ;)

    Oooh, adding Becoming to my Audible list!!

  6. I love fingerless mitts and yours are going to be beautiful. I sometimes wonder why my knit can be so slow. I get distracted easily. Nonetheless, I manage to finish many things . I'll have to look back at my own list this year. Since I post every finish, I just have to look back.........over 300 days lol

    1. Are you on ravelry? If you are and tag each project with the year it would be relatively easy to look at each year. Or you could just rejoice in every finish and not worry about how fast you're knitting! :-)

  7. I have the same "approach" to almost any project I think I must do: hate being "obligated!" Secretly, I think we might think "it's not going to be good enough." Thanks to you,I began Becoming! It is *so good!*

  8. I'm pretty sure Becoming is my next Audible selection...I just have to finish up with Arthur Less!

  9. Gift knitting is just . . . weird. I know what you mean, it seems to take forever. I'm going to listen to Becoming, probably over my Christmas break.

  10. I'm limiting my gift knitting to two small items this year for that very reason.

    Glad to hear such a good review of Becoming. I'm hoping to get it for Chanukah!

  11. Gift knitting can feel like chore, although I'm not sure why since I generally choose the project myself.
    And my mind also knits faster than my hands.
    I may have to pick up Becoming. It's getting great reviews!

    1. These mitts are for my sons so I'm not really complaining; I just wish I knit faster in real life!

      I highly recommend Becoming. Michelle Obama is an exceptional human being!

  12. I am always happy to finish up gift knitting. I do like giving those gifts though. Somehow it seems as if the most appealing project is the next one. I have Becoming on my list. Happy Daydreaming.

  13. I love that bit about knitting faster in your mind ... sort of like how I come downstairs every morning and check to see if the knitting elves might've visited overnight and added a few rows to my projects! Glad for your stellar review on Becoming. not that I expected anything less, but still....

  14. I knit so very many things . . . in my imagination! ;-) I just love that Sockhead Cowl. (Maybe THAT'S what my new yarn from Vicki needs to be. . . ) I've been knitting that one in my imagination for several weeks now. It's so dang practical! I wish I had it today. . .

  15. I'm in good company on the daydreaming activities :) I love your knitting basket and your wools! I hope to sit and knit this afternoon (truthfully all weekend). I want my daughter's cowl done yesterday.


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