Monday, December 23, 2024

A Good Idea

I first wrote about this good idea 10 years ago, but I'm am still using them and thought it might be time to revisit the topic.

Christmas was always a fairly simple, easygoing holiday before I had children. I worked in various hospitals from Florida to New York depending on where we were living, and because hospitals never close, I worked on Christmas for 15 years. By the time we were celebrating our second Christmas with Ryan and Justin came along in 1993, it was slowly dawning on me that Christmas was becoming more complex and complicated. I did love orchestrating it for my young sons, but there's no denying that it took quite a bit of time and some late nights. I could see what the problem was but didn't have any good solutions.

I was browsing in the fabric store after that Christmas and chanced upon some Christmas fabric for $1.00/yard. I couldn't resist this incredible bargain, so even though I didn't have specific plans for it, I bought a bunch. On the way home it came to me - I would sew gift bags. Wrapping presents is one of the holiday-related chores that I don't enjoy one bit, and by spending some low-stress sewing time throughout the year, wrapping gifts would be as simple as popping them in a homemade bag and tying the ribbons.

I don't remember how many I sewed that first year, but they were such a success that I've been sewing bags almost every year since 1994. I enjoy choosing fabric and along the way I branched out into birthday bags.

I've amassed quite a stash of bags, but that way I almost always have the right size for any gift. When my sons are both settled on their own, I envision divvying up the bag stash and gifting the boys with their own bag collections. This hasn't happened ... yet. 

I've still got some fabric for a few more bags, but I haven't sewn any recently. This might be something to put on my list for January. 

We even save and re-use tags. I couldn't find any tags for Jess and Nugget, so they got new ones. I don't have good ideas every day, but this is one of my better ones and has worked wonderfully for me! 


  1. Wonderful idea!! Your bags are so pretty. I may need to make some myself in the new year!

  2. Very festive and good for the environment too. Well done!

  3. Your gift bags are just perfection! I was watching a video on IG the other day where this person was folding and folding paper to wrap a gift so it had pockets... I thought wth why??? WHY??? (and bonus points for these bags recycle-ability!

  4. You were one of the original environmentalists with this idea! It's a really smart solution -- not only because you can reuse them year after year but because it's got to save you a ton of time when wrapping gifts. I do reuse gift bags that I receive, provided they're in decent shape, but this is even better.

  5. I need to do this, what a great idea!!

  6. This is inspired, Bonny. Kudos to you for such a great solution to reduce holiday stress, save money, and reduce waste!

  7. What a wonderful idea! I'm sitting here looking at my oldest Grand's gifts that I haven't wrapped yet and dreading it. It's the one thing about the holiday I don't like.

    1. I disliked wrapping so much that it felt easier to sew a few seams to make a few bags. I didn't think much about the environmentalism of it, but the time saving was just wonderful!

  8. What a terrific idea. I like the idea of simplifying or eliminating what can be a holiday chore. I did way less decorating of the house and am just as happy. Although I love to look at decorations done by others, house holiday decorating has always been one of my least favorite activities.

  9. Happy Christmas to you and your family!

  10. Thank you for this idea. I am very frustrated with buying and then tossing gift wrap. I do believe fabric gift wrap bags are going to be part of my January sewing.

  11. I love this idea, Bonny! Last year, I bought pillowcases for the kids & used them as "wrapping" for their presents -- better for the environment & practical, too! I'm sure I have a lot of fabric once earmarked for "something" that would work out great as gift bags. Adding to my list of possible projects! Thanks.


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