Friday, March 22, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday on a Friday: 3/22/24

Ta-da! My Hydrophily is done! I struggled to find a way to take pictures that showed just how lovely it is, and in the end, I took a bunch and hoped for the best.

Sarah's pattern really is a marvel. I followed along while she was knitting her sample and anxiously awaited the pattern release. I think it's a wonder that she could conceive of something so beautiful and then figure out the mechanics of how to knit it. She did that incredibly well and I thank you, Sarah! 

I had an idea in my mind and I'm so pleased that it worked out with a gradient set and a couple of lovely skeins of gray fingering. 

I'm wearing it over my gnome overalls and it probably deserves a much fancier outfit, but until I get my ball gown (just kidding; I don't really have one) back from the cleaners, this will do just fine. 

Now it's time to finish winding my yarn for my second Hitch on the Move. My last one was not quite large enough to suit me, so this time I've got four skeins so I can make it as large as I'd like. That's a good thing but it means I've got four skeins to hand-wind because I'm too cheap to buy a swift and winder. It looks like it's going to be a rainy weekend here, but I'm content to sit inside wind, knit, and read while wearing my Hydrophily. I hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend with things you enjoy!


  1. GORGEOUS!!! Simply gorgeous Bonny. Your Hydrophily turned out so well. It is beautiful wrapped around your neck or sprawled out. Now I'll look forward to seeing your 2nd Hitch on the Move start! The weekend does sound perfect for that.

  2. Bonny, you have taken my pattern to a whole other level -- it's absolutely stunning! Thank you for sharing such a gorgeous FO!

  3. That's really spectacular, Bonny! I love the colors you chose for your Hydrophily and I think you should wear it with everything you've got - overalls and ballgowns alike! P.S. Get the swift and ballwinder. It's worth it.

  4. Oh my, Bonny! That is just gorgeous! Really, really, really perfect! I have a swift and a ball winder, but I prefer the quiet meditation of hand winding yarn...

  5. That sounds like a perfect weekend, if you ask me. And the Hydrophily is gorgeous! I'll say it again -- the gradient you chose is tops -- even with the photography/light challenges. (And as for Sarah and her she ever smart AND talented. I'm curious what her new design will be -- I know she's got something up her sleeve right now.)
    What a treat to have something you enjoy wearing so much. And with ballgown OR overalls!? Doesn't get more versatile than that :-)

    1. It is a great feeling when what you knit turns out as well as you've imagined and hoped. That is certainly the case with Hydrophily! I'm also anxious to see what Sarah might be working on next. I love the colors she chose and will be waiting to see what they become.

  6. It is absolutely gorgeous! I love that it can be worn with overalls or a ballgown or anything in between!

    1. Thank you, Debbie! I am quite pleased with it, especially since it seems to go well with overalls. :-)

  7. It's beautiful, Bonny!! I knew it would be. ;)

  8. that is gorgeous!!! Your photos are wonderful and you did photo them perfectly.

  9. That's about as good as a shawl gets. Congratulations!
    Even with a swift and winder I hate the job of winding yarn. I usually like mindless repetitive motion type tasks but for some reason winding makes me stabby.

    1. Thank you! It's always a pleasure when you're happy with what you've knitted and this shawl represents that for me. I've gotten all the yarn wound and cast on so now I can spend tomorrow knitting. It looks like a miserable day!

  10. What a gorgeous shawl Bonny. I love to see the photo of you wrapped up in it. I too do not have a swift or ball winder. Sometimes winding gets a little monotonous but I often think of the time getting to know the yarn as time well spent. My silly computer has been in the shop again. Egad.

  11. Gorgeous! There's nothing better than enjoying your knitting and enjoying your FO.

  12. Bonny, the shawl is fabulous ... and you wear it well! ball gowns are for sure overrated ... and sometimes swifts and ball winders are, too - hope you enjoyed the meditation of hand-rolling those skeins.


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