Friday, June 9, 2023

Museum of Me: June 2023

Hello and welcome to the Museum of Me. It's the second Friday in June and time for a new installment. This month we ask the important questions: What is your happy place? Has it changed as you’ve aged? Before you enter the Museum, I think I should warn you that this may be the most boring exhibit since the Museum opened. I've thought long and hard about it and was tempted to dream up some imaginary and interesting place, but in the end, I decided to simply go with the truth. 

This is my knitting chair, at home in my living room in New Jersey. It's a love seat, so I very often have my knitting bags, Kindle, real books, notebook for important things I want to remember, and my tea mug right next to me and within easy reach. There is a good lamp over my left shoulder, perfect for knitting at night (or when there are smoky and dark skies). The lamp also makes it my reading chair, and there is a small end table just to the right that holds knitting accouterments and my TBR pile. I can see (or at least listen to) the TV in case I am watching something good for knitting. My chair is in the living room so there is a couch and other chairs which is where people tend to sit if they happen to be visiting. I'm happy to visit with people, especially if I get to knit while we're conversing. So it's not exotic, impressive, or unusual, but it is the place where I am pretty consistently happy. 

This has changed a bit as I've aged. When the boys were little I might have said that my happy place was anywhere I could have 10 minutes of peace and quiet. Now, I would love to make an occasional return to those days. When Ryan was in Colorado, I probably would have called Fort Collins my happy place. I got to visit Ryan, enjoy good food and great craft beer, hike in some interesting places, and go to The Loopy Ewe. I'm sure Fort Collins is still a lovely locale, but neither Ryan nor The Loopy Ewe is there anymore, and good food and beer are available in lots of other places. So now it's my knitting and reading chair. Sometimes I'm so happy there that I have to make an effort to get up, move around, and get some exercise. 

So how about you? I'd love to hear about your happy place and whether it's changed over the years. We'll be back on the second Friday of July with a brand-new installation. Thank you for visiting The Museum of Me!


  1. I don't find this boring at all! I find it comforting and pleasant. Even happy! I have several happy places: in my kitchen cooking, knitting or stitching; in the forest with pine needles underfoot or sitting by a gurgling stream or brook; in Austin (or Lansdale) with C&M; on our patio with Fletch in the late afternoon with a beverage. And, let's not forget the NJ Sheep & Fiber Festival in September!

  2. Dale calls my area on the couch my "nest" and it's very similar to your chair - all the important things within easy reach! I think your happy place is perfectly you, Bonny.

  3. I love this Bonny! (Knitting factors into my happy place as well!!)

  4. I don't think there's anything boring about your happy place -- it's very similar to mine, in fact! I think a happy place by definition is a place we're extremely comfortable and surrounded by things that bring us joy, and that's exactly what I see in this photo.

  5. What a wonderful Happy Place, Bonny! Comfortable - and comforting - with everything you need nearby! (Tom refers to my knitting chair/area as my "command center.") Happy Places are all about . . . feeling deeply in touch with ourselves -- and your chair is just that place for you! I hope you enjoy many, many happy hours there. XO

  6. Your happy place could be my happy place!!

  7. What a wonderful happy place. I would say my home is my happy place. I have a knitting corner on a loveseat that holds the same things.

  8. Your Happy Place sounds lovely to me ... mine is a porch - someplace outside, with all the comforts of home close at hand.


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