Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday: 4/26/23

I'm happy to join Kat and fellow Unravelers for Unraveled Wednesday. While I'm waiting for peach yarn to complete my Hitchhiker (it won't even be shipped until the end of this week in the best case), I worked on the raspberry ankle sock. It's almost laughable because I wondered if I could knit a pair of socks before the peach yarn arrived. You can see that may not happen. 

I've turned the heel, picked up the gusset stitches, and decreased back to my original stitch number so now I'm just knitting down the foot. At best I have almost half a sock done, but there's still plenty more to knit (including another sock). I do tend to be a fast knitter in my imagination!

I finished A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding, and aside from the great title, it also provided me with a unique premise and quirky characters. Sometimes I was amazed, sometimes I was puzzled, and I was often confused, but overall, it was still quite a good book. It's good to shake up your reading once in a while and A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding can do that!

I also listened to The Power of Vulnerability to see whether Brené Brown had something worthwhile to say. I'm not much for self-help books but I've always discounted Brené Brown. For some reason, I found her irritating and preachy, with simplistic claims that seemed like pop psychology to me. I've only ever listened to five minutes of one of her TED talks, so I had to ask myself why was I so against her?

But I am willing to admit that she may be onto something. I didn't disagree with the points she presented in this book. I still think she uses too many buzzwords but she is a good storyteller. Just because I have a problem accepting the qualitative nature of social science research doesn't negate the research. I may even listen to more of her books, with some healthy skepticism and an open mind.

What are you making and reading this week?

Important Note: Blogger seems to be having one of its glitches and stopped sending me comment notification emails as of yesterday. I try to respond to your comments, but it's cumbersome and time-consuming if I don't receive the comment in an email. I'll do my best, but if you comment and don't receive a reply, please know that I've read your comments, appreciate them, and am hoping that Blogger gets fixed soon. 


  1. what a pretty color so nice and spring-like as opposed to the gray day we are about to have. I haven't had any issues with blogger....I'm bracing myself. I always go to my post and click the commenters from there...I don't trust the email notification system I guess.

  2. Such a pretty color for your socks. Raspberry! I've added A System to my TBR list - looks intriguing! Still don't think I'm ready for BB (LOL).

  3. Those raspberry socks are moving along ... I think that DCI Barnaby is the best knitting helper I have found (well, outside of Vera... but there is not as much of Vera as there is of Tom Barnaby!)

  4. I hope Blogger resolves the comment issue for you soon (and in the meantime, please don't worry about replying to my comments if it's too annoying to do so -- I know you're reading them!). I love that raspberry color and I think it won't take you too long to finish the pair, particularly as you're at the fast part. But I suspect you don't feel the need to race your new yarn.

  5. I love that bright raspberry color for socks! And I think we are all faster knitters in our imaginations! I like Brene Brown but in small doses.

  6. Another no-self-help-book-for-me reader here. I am quite good enough as I am, thankyouverymuch. Maybe it is just because I am in my 70s or too full of myself, but they always strike me as a combination of nonsense and common sense.

  7. I could NOT get into Brene Brown. Smarmy was the word that kept sticking in my mind.

  8. The raspberry sock continues to grow. I think the foot is the fastest part of a sock. May that hold true for you. If it's too annoying to respond to my comment, please don't give it another thought. Blogger is a mystery to me.

  9. I love the socks, Bonny! And . . . I always figure my knitting is just for me, and who cares how many projects I crank out (or don't crank out). Your socks will be done - and wonderful - when they're done. (Said the knitter who is ripping out the cardigan she's been knitting for a couple of weeks now.) :-)

  10. I love that raspberry colour. It really pops.

    1. Thank you! I might be finishing up the first sock today.


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