Thursday, June 27, 2019

Three on Thursday

Carole is on vacation in Maine, taking beautiful sunset and rainbow photos, but I'm in a Three on Thursday frame of mind, so that's what I'm doing. Here are three completely random thoughts on this Thursday.

A new-to-me word, demotic, found while I was reading Milkman

It means "denoting or relating to the kind of language used by ordinary people; popular or colloquial." (I couldn't even hazard a correct guess based on context.)

Justin's girlfriend, Jess, made me this lovely owl cupcake cake for my birthday, and it deserves to be shown off.

It was a thoughtful (and delicious) gesture, and I still have plenty of the cupcakes in the freezer.

And lastly, this interesting visitor showed up on the front walk in MD last week.

Even though it's a baby snapping turtle, somehow it still managed to look ancient (but cute).

What are your random thoughts on this Thursday? Let me know!


  1. That turtle does look like an old man! And the cupcake cake looks delicious.

  2. Oh I love that cake/cupcakes!

    The turtle looks like he is visiting from another time period altogether. :-)

  3. SWEET!! What a fun cake! I love that it's made with cupcakes (so manageable). I've only ever seen adult snapping turtles... that little guy IS cute, that shell is amazing!

  4. Oh my, that snapping turtle looks menacing despite its small size!

    And, the language of Milkman was very demotic - throughout! :)

  5. That turtle is pretty amazing and it does look like it has crawled up from another time. Yummy looking cake too!

    1. I was very surprised to see the turtle. We live about 50 yards from a creek, but the banks are quite steep. He was just sitting on the front walk looking like something from the Jurassic period, but we (carefully) moved him back closer to the creek. I hope to see him again some day!

  6. Great selection Bonny! From the top:

    1. What a word! And I wouldn't have been able to come up with a definition based on the text.

    2. That cake! Looks delicious (and colorful). What a thoughtful and delicious gesture. (And I love your overalls)

    3. Yikes! That tiny turtle still looks mean as hell. What a beautiful shell, but those beady your fingers!!

  7. Oh my gosh, that turtle is adorable!

    1. I was very surprised to see the turtle. He was just sitting on the front walk looking like something from the Jurassic period, but we (carefully) moved him closer to a nearby creek. I hope to see him again some day!

  8. I actually remember looking "demotic" up when I was reading Milkman. Interesting word, for sure -- and absolutely not one of those get-it-in-context kind of words. We have snapping turtles at our lake -- but I've never seen a baby! And . . . I'm thinking Justin's girlfriend is a kind-and-thoughtful girlfriend. What a cute cake -- and a great way to celebrate your birthday. XO

  9. Three great things! Oh those Milkman lists! That's why I had to jump ship. :-) What a very nice girlfriend Justin has and cute and GOT fan...for the win! I hope you didn't ask that guy to lick the frosting off your finger!

  10. Hope you had a great birthday. The cupcake cake is awesome! Glad you were able to move the snapping turtle safely. He does look like he's from the Jurassic era!

  11. hello mr turtle :) Your son's girlfriend is very very thoughtful, so nice!!


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