Thursday, December 13, 2018

Three on Thursday

Joining Carole and friends for Three on Thursday, with three random things today.

1.  On Tuesday I set a challenge for myself to get a smile from the clerk when I mailed my packages. Did I succeed? Yes! In the middle of our transaction, I said "take a picture" out loud; I was reminding myself to take the above photo when I left. I explained this to the frowning clerk, and she burst into laughter. She told me that she had been wanting to say "buy stickers" for the last few minutes so she wouldn't forget. We bonded over out to-do lists and both of us had a good laugh. I think I'm going to approach more of my transactions this way. It was a loonngg wait in line, but not nearly as bad as I expected since I got to laugh. 

2.  Last year we had sculptures on loan from Grounds for Sculpture, including Disgruntled Shopper. This year we have a velociraptor. I'm not sure why, but I do like him. There is a sign saying "Do not ride the dino!" so you know exactly what I wanted to do. 

3.  Look what I found, Vicki! I was looking for wine for a gift and did a happy dance when I saw the lovely Loveblock label. I was a little disappointed when I read the label and there was no mention of Maddy, but I bet it's good anyway. I'm very tempted to go back and get some for myself, especially if I could find the Bone Dry Riesling. 

Head on over to Carole's for more Three on Thursday.


  1. Nothing says Christmas like a velociraptor!

  2. Every velociraptor deserves a happy Christmastime.

  3. I love the velociraptor! I think that was our favorite and may be the remaining dino figure in the remains of Dan's childhood. Yay for the smile...I'm sure she felt better for the rest of the day!

  4. That's interesting, I would not have associated a velociraptor with anything to do with a holiday, but whatever works. I imagine the clerk appreciated that you made her smile and laugh very much, so today enjoy the fact that you improved someone else's day by decreasing her stress level. I guess clerks have to do lists just like the rest of us. Happy Thursday, Bonny!

  5. I want to ride the Dino, too!!! I really like seeing him out doing the shopping. I can't find the Bone Dry Riesling, but I have had a couple of bottles of the Sauvignon blanc. I love telling the story of Maddy's adventure in NZ when I give the bottle away.

  6. After spending the fall at an Oregon winery, Maddy will be on her way to Australia (Tasmania) on 12/31 for more adventures!! (Isn't that the prettiest wine label?)

  7. That velociraptor is very cool! Hooray for you for making that postal clerk laugh!

  8. Love the velociraptor and I want to ride him too. I wonder what's in his/her bag? And the Santa hat on him is perfect. That's a funny post office story - glad you were able to get the clerk to sile (they always look so miserable...).

  9. I did the postal thing yesterday. I have another trip to make before the weekend. The Dino decor for the holiday is great. We are actually going to a local Wisconsin dino museum tomorrow. I m hoping they have an awesome gift shop. Someone was on the news last week because his dog dug up a wooly mammoth tooth. THe museum said to just keep it. They are so common here. WHAT? I'd love to find one

    1. A dog digging up a mammoth tooth is awesome! I didn't know they were common any where. Have fun at the museum, and I hope you at least get to see some and enjoy the gift shop.

  10. Love the velociraptor! Not sure which is funnier - a Do Not Ride the Dino sign or the Bad to the Bone bone in his mouth. Glad you had an enjoyable trip to the post office. That doesn't happen to often this time of year.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sorry about the delete, I hit the wrong button. I was going to say that it was a funny post office story! And that the velocirapter is festive!

  13. Hurray for you and getting that much desired smile out of the clerk. Over here, the postal workers are working crazy crappy hours and they are understaffed (I bet on purpose from the hire ups). My mail carrier is so happy all the time that I have a hard time complaining about my mail being delivered in the dark (grumble).

  14. Yay for smiles! That dinosaur is certainly not what I expected ... and I'm imagining EVERYone wants to ride :-)

  15. That Velociraptor made me smile too! And, laughter with the postal clerk is the stuff dreams are made of!

  16. Loved the laugh you and the mail clerk shared...the Velociraptor is indeed a sight! Go get the wine!

  17. A smile shared is always good. The dinosaur makes me smile. Have a good weekend.


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