Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday.

Thankfully there hasn't been any unraveling this week, but that is probably due to the fact that there hasn't been much knitting either. Our neighbor in Maryland has two different fences so I took advantage of them to at least try and show these projects in a slightly different way. (They are selling the house and I'm also hoping to attract a knitter to the neighborhood.) The one above on the stockade fence is the same old Match & Move (just another section longer), and the teeny, tiny one on the picket fence below is just the beginning of trying out a project idea that Ryan came up with. I'll tell you more about it after I see how/if it's going to work.

I've finished a few three-star, fairly average books, but my reading started looking up in a big way this morning. The email from goodreads told me that two friends had read or were currently reading What It Means When a Man Falls From the Sky and I was intrigued. (Thanks Annette and Debbie!) My next email included a link to LeVar Burton Reads from a dear reading friend. I know LeVar Burton from when my kids watched Reading Rainbow decades ago, but this is a podcast in which he reads short fiction for adults and it is great! I can't believe I didn't know about this before, but now I've got 41 episodes to listen to. This all came together when I found that LeVar reads the title story from the book above in Episode 5. I've just started reading the book myself, and I'm loving listening to LeVar read to me while I (try to) put the grill together. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. First: Your match and move is gorgeous!!

    Second I'm finishing my Saturday Shawl Today . I have to cast off and to weave in ends.
    Then I'm deciding on my next project.......
    Im reading a baseball book from Allison....about life in the minor leagues

    1. Thanks, Kathy! I'm grateful that my new neighbors have such good places to take knitting photos. All that ivy makes a great place to tuck the needles in! Congratulations on your almost FO!

  2. No knitting, but I am still coveting that pattern on ravelry called Sweatrrr. I may have to give in and buy the pattern and see if I have enough yarn in my stash to make it when I get the urge. I have been reading, but nothing to write home about. I'll have to check out the LeVar Burton podcast, thanks for that. Your March and Move looks a great deal bigger than it did the last time I saw it. It's beautiful,Bonny, even better than I thought it would be.

  3. I am on the waitlist for What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky... good thing that I have other things to read. I just started the 3rd book of the Magician's trilogy... and it is SO GOOD!!

    I got your package today! Funds are on their way to you! XO

  4. Your Match & Move is so elegant looking. I love those colors. And your new project...curiosity is making me itch - lol...pretty ball of yarn kind of hiding behind the fence....

  5. The knitting looks great and I'm mighty curious about that second knitting photo. Thanks for the tip on the podcast. I remember Burton from Reading Rainbow - "Take a look, it's in a book, Reading Rainbow." I love to find a new high quality podcast and what could be better than listening to a story?"

  6. Match and Move is so beautiful and it's a perfect combination of colors that just get better with each section. What It Means When a Man Falls From the Sky is the PBS/NYTs book group read for August. The wait at the library is FOREVER, so I might have to break down and buy it. The story sounds intriguing. I knew about the LaVar Burton pod cast, but he reads mostly sci-fi (or so I thought). Maybe I should give it another chance. I've got myself caught up in Middlemarch, a story I find amazing and engaging!

  7. Hope your knitting attracts another knitter to the neighborhood.

    Not much reading going on around here, and just a little bit of sock knitting.

  8. Sounds like your reading stars have aligned! I'm loving the way Match & Move is growing, those colors are really nice together.

  9. I really love how Match & Move is... moving! I hope your knitter attraction tactics work! ;)

  10. Add me to the chorus . . . I love your Match & Move! I'm also very intrigued about the new project. :-) LaVar Burton and Reading Rainbow were constants in our TV room when my kids were little! He came on right after that little dog . . . what was his name? Oh, yes -- WISHBONE! (I had to send Erin a quick text to remind myself.) :-)

  11. Love the fenceposts for modeling the knits ... I'm sure you'll attract a knitter :-) I started a new Kate Morton story (18+ hours!) yesterday and look forward to sinking into the story. It's been a while since I listened to anything that long.

  12. love the new fence shots :) You picked the house because of the photography scenes right??


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