Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I Voted

It's Election Day, and here in NJ we're voting for governor, lieutenant governor, state senate, general assembly, freeholders (that's county government, but too easily turned into the Freudian slip of freeloaders), and borough council members. That means that by late tonight, Chris Christie will be a lame duck governor (not that he hasn't been lame for quite a while). His incredibly poor performance and the suspicion that the Republican candidate (Kim Guadagno, Christie's lieutenant governor) may have somehow been involved in Bridgegate, along with allegations of pension fraud have all but guaranteed that the Democratic candidate will win this election (But we all know that polls have been very, very wrong before.)

I'm not under any illusions that the next governor will be much better than our last one, but I am quite interested in the borough council results. All politics is local, and several outspoken and honest citizens have gotten fed up enough to run for office. I do have high hopes for them, and count lawn signs every evening when I walk. Based on my unscientific results, it looks like they might have a chance. But even if they don't get elected, there is no way I can be as disappointed, shocked, and sick as I was after the election last year. Fingers crossed for the outspoken and honest and the democratic process!

(And I'm also celebrating the end of campaign mailings. These are all from one day!)

(At least this one made me laugh.)


  1. We have no elections here, but I wish we did! Although the angst would not be good for me, I think. Good luck on the the results. I hope your candidates win! We all could use some hope.

    1. I think the hope that comes from voting and making our voices heard is one of the best things. The hope may all be dashed tomorrow, but I'm fairly certain that it won't ever be as bad as the presidential election last year.

  2. I'll be voting later today, too. We'll be voting entirely on LOCAL politics here -- mayor and city council. Important stuff!

  3. No voting for me today but I think I still have post traumatic stress from last year's vote.

  4. Thank you for voting!! I'm in MA, and there's no election in my town right now, but I really wish there was because it would feel pretty good to vote right now.

    1. I'm almost as excited for our borough council results as I was about the presidential election last year, but no matter what happens, I don't think I'll feel as dismayed and heartsick as I was a year ago (and still am).

  5. I voted on my way to work. The big race in Philadelphia is for District Attorney.

    I was talking to a poll worker about how at this time last year, I was in a loooonnngg line of people waiting to vote, all seemingly happy to be there. As she commented, "Ah yes. Back when we had hope."

    This year there was no line, and I was voter #7. I sure hope that number increases greatly as the day continues.

  6. I will be voting shortly! And, I will do so with great excitement! Do I think this vote will change things? No, but the fact that I can freely vote is something I am so grateful for!

  7. Replies
    1. I would vote more than once if it was allowed!

  8. You've got lots to consider today! No voting for we Winchendonians. :-)

  9. Good luck!! I hope it goes your way. ;)

  10. I love mail in ballots! We voted weeks ago. Only for mayor and we had two good candidates. Hope all goes well for your state!

  11. I voted today!! First time I've voted - aside from Presidential elections. But I HAD to! It is always important, but none so (to me) than this time around. As I put my ballot in the machine, I said - good luck (to my candidates) - and please win!

    Linda in VA

  12. I think the local elections are more important than ever before. Thanks for voting.

  13. I voted ... for one city councilman and one county commissioner. Shortest ballot I've ever seen. also very short lines. The folks minding the poll told me I was ahead of the rush (I voted at 10:30am). When I asked when the rush would be, they say "next year" :-)

    I certainly hope your election results go the right way this year!


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