I'm tired of crappy news and decided to document some good things. These aren't things that need champagne toasts but if I had one of those party blowers, I would give it a few toots. Feel free to add any of your own celebratory events, no matter how small they might be.
- We have our first snowdrops! Last week was fairly warm and sunny,so I'm sure that helped them along. It was really pleasant and the sun felt quite nice. It's still winter but I'm starting to see some signs of spring.
- John has a cold and has suffered with it mightily for
what has felt like the whole month of Februarythe past week. That's not actually good news, but the best news is that I haven't gotten it! This is almost a miracle because he's been busy sneezing and generally spreading his virus particles around. I woke up on Friday with a headache, sore throat, and stuffy nose, but I gargled with salt water repeatedly and it only lasted a day. I've also been actively washing my hands, dishes, and wiping things off with antibacterial wipes, so fingers crossed that I don't come down with anything in the next few days.
- My SiL wanted me to go with her to the Philadelphia Flower Show. I decided to decline the invitation because the last time I went (about 10 years ago), the Convention Center in downtown Philadelphia was so crowded that I could hardly move. Sure, the displays are lovely and the flowers are beautiful, but I was so overwhelmed that I felt like just sitting down and crying. The good thing here is that I said what I thought and clearly expressed how I felt felt instead of giving her a half-assed response and then dreading the trip. I suggested that maybe we could go to Longwood Gardens when it warmed up a little more and see loads of flowers without crowds.
- I was the executor for my father's will. He died seven years ago, but because of some arcane provisions in his will (and quite frankly, the a**hole lawyer who drafted the will), it has taken me seven years to fully execute his will and satisfy the convoluted financial conditions. The estate checking account is finally closed and I think (hope!) I'm done with this hanging over my head.
- It was warm enough (53°) on Saturday for me to wash the kitchen curtains and hang them out. It was also windy enough (20-30 mph) for them to dry in a hurry. Clean kitchen curtains and snowdrops are sure signs of spring for me (even though it went down to 15° Saturday night).