Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday: 10/2/24

I'm joining Kat and the Unravelers today with a new hat on the needles (for the second time) and a book or two.

After taking a closer look at the hat I showed you last week, I thought that the circumference around the bottom looked a bit large and the ribbing seemed floppy. When I measured it, it was 28 inches. My kids have big heads but not that big! Then I took a closer look at the needle I was using and after squinting at it in bright light, found that I was using a size 8 instead of a 6. It was a rookie mistake, and there was nothing to do but unravel and start over again. I worked on the ribbing while spending time in the car and even managed to do a few cables in the car. So the hat is moving forward, albeit slowly. But the yarn is so nice I'm knitting it twice. 

Last week Sarah reviewed Happening, and I decided to give it a try. It is a non-fiction recounting of the author's abortion in France when she was 23 years old. There is evidence of Ernaux's relative immaturity at age 23 (alternately worrying about getting rid of her pregnancy and almost ignoring it) but since abortion was illegal in France at the time it is also horrifying. The author states that she is recreating this event decades later based on her diaries and she has trouble recalling feelings and moods. Reconstructing material procedures was awful enough but I wish the author could have included more of what she thought and felt at the time. Three and a half stars rounded up.

I also read Small Rain by Garth Greenwell. Brilliant, evocative, and vivid are words that come to me when trying to describe Small Rain. This is a novel about a poet who experiences sudden debilitating pain and eventually ends up in the ICU. It is about medicine and the dysfunctional American healthcare system but also much more - meditations on art, beauty, memory, poetry, and introducing his literature students to a poem by George Oppen. His poem "Westyrn Wynds" gives the novel its title. Greenwell's narrator has quite a bit of time to muse while in his hospital bed, and his thoughts veer off into interesting tangents like his childhood, his life with L., and their disastrous home renovations. I appreciated the contrast between the narrator's literary mind and the clinical logic of medicine. The author narrated the audiobook and his voice added to this marvelous book. Four and a half stars rounded up.

“My ignorance was an indictment of something, me, my education, the public schools where I was raised, that I could be so helpless when it came to anything useful, that the only technologies I knew anything about were antiquated, unnecessary technologies: iambic pentameter, functional harmony, the ablative absolute. They were the embellishments of life, accoutrements of civilization, never the necessary core—though they were necessary to me.”

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. I have been reading on several NetGalley ARCs, but none of them are finished yet. Still offloading a lifetime's accumulation of now unnecessary stuff in my house and garage when I can muster enough energy. In Meditations for Mortals, the author explains that all the greatest minds work diligently for about 4 hours a day and accomplished more than most, so that is my new rule. I try to work around the house for about half a day, but some days I just can't get up the mojo to care. LOL

  2. I always find hat sizing to be a challenge. Of all the hats I've ever knit, I have one that actually fits.

    1. It's especially difficult if I'm not using the right size needle! :-)

  3. I have done a similar thing with needle size, so you have my sympathy. I hope this go-round is successful! I've heard about Small Rain several times, and your review has convinced me that I need to put it on my TBR list. I agree with you that Ernaux's memoir was a bit cold and distant and would have benefited from more discussion of her emotion, but I wonder if she was purposefully trying to be distant (and then there's always the question of translation and whether or not emotion is accurately captured in it).

  4. Oh my... I have done the wrong sized needle more than once! I am sorry you had to start over, but that yarn is just so gorgeous! And I did not know about Small Rain! Thank you!

  5. I just finished North Woods by Daniel Mason (highly recommend) and am now just starting Leonard and Hungry Paul! Your blue yarn really is gorgeous - and I'm glad you are using the correct needle now!

  6. you are getting lots of knitting time in with all that start and restart business but it's better to fix early than for it to be too late. Love the color!

  7. I love the color of your yarn/hat, Bonny. Such a brilliant blue! (And if that's a "rookie mistake" . . . well. This "veteran" makes that mistake ALL the time. As in . . . will I ever NOT be a "rookie?") I put a hold on Small Rain yesterday, so thanks for that excellent review!

  8. Sorry about the hat. It's a mistake we have all made, as rookies and as experienced knitters, too!

  9. We are ALL forever rookies with our knitting (I'm still learning how to count to four). Annie Ernaux has been "having a moment" (really more like months) with one of my online bookclubs; most of the members are a good 20+ years younger than I am and your perspective struck a chord with me. Thank you! (also, re: Georgia elections - maybe you read about Superior Court Judge McBurney who ruled that the 6-week abortion ban was violated our state's constitution? he was also the judge that heard the case against the crazy new election rules yesterday. I'm cautiously optimistic.)

  10. Oh lordy --- I think we've all done that. :::sigh::: Hopefully, the hat (and needles) behave now!

  11. Well I'm sorry about the hat. When I have to rip out and reknit, I always tell myself I'm getting more value out of the yarn. It sure is a pretty color.

  12. What a lovely color, though! I always think how easily it would be to transform a hat pattern into a cowl -- perhaps with a larger needle -- but even 28" would be a little large for that!! ;)


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