Thursday, September 26, 2024

One Vote and Counting ...

I got my Vote by Mail ballot on Monday and I returned it on Tuesday. 

I thought about taking it to the Board of Elections and handing it directly to a person, but there are twelve of these special drop boxes located throughout our county, so I walked a block to the nearest one and dropped it off there. 

The ballots are collected every day and the drop boxes are under video surveillance so I made sure to wave to whoever might be checking the video. I think the black or white thing on the wall might house the video? I live in NJ so I don't worry too much about my vote not being counted; I'm pretty sure that Harris will get our 14 electoral votes as NJ has voted Democratic since 1992. It's those other swing states (like PA, MI, GA, NC, WI, and AZ) that are my biggest cause for concern. 

I'm on my way to visit my SiL so I'll be back here next week. See you then!


  1. Congratulations on voting! You are lucky that you have easy access to a drop box. They keep eliminating them in PA (or at least in some places in PA), and after I'm pretty sure the USPS lost my ballot in 2020, I'm voting in person on Election Day so that I can be sure my vote is counted.

  2. I vote in every election, but I always feel like my vote doesn't matter much since I live in a red state. I remain hopeful that the faithful Democratic voters tip the state someday. Have a fun trip, Bonny.

  3. I have not gotten notification that our ballots have been mailed yet from the county. There was a "hiccup" caused by the GOP suing for something that delayed printing, but I hope to get mine soon!

  4. I'm looking forward to receiving my ballot soon! And here in MI, we may be a swing state, but right now we're governed by a very blue governor and legislature . . . so there haven't been so many moves to restrict/suppress voting here. Thank goodness.

  5. I was contemplating voting by mail but I know how much it costs our town so I think I will vote early instead. I really want to avoid the whole November 5th experience! Massachusetts is blue but I live in a decidedly red area, sadly.

  6. Yay!! I have been very encouraged by seeing HARRIS-WALZ signs increasingly over the past week or so, and I was complimented again on the HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT pin that I wear on my purse strap (it's a cross-body bag, so front & center!).

  7. Our drop boxes just showed up at city hall and the state just texted me that my ballot was on the way! I live in blue state MD so I never feel my vote has much impact but this year we've got the senate on the line so I'm hoping we do our part here and get Alsobrooks in rather than Hogan.

  8. WI is trending from purple to blue. Not in my part of the state, which is 60% red, but statewide I think Kamala has it in the bag ::fingers crossed::

  9. I am another Pennsylvanian voting in person.


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