Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday: 11/29/23

I'm joining Kat and fellow Unravelers on this "bonus" fifth Wednesday in November. The Thanksgiving leftovers are almost all gone and turkey barley soup has been made. I did order yarn for the semicircular version of the Woolly Waffle shawl but I'm not in a big rush to cast on. Instead, I've returned to my old favorite, Hitchhiker knitting. This yarn (Kaleidoscope deluxe sock yarn from MarianthiYarns) is soft, luscious, and a real treat to knit. My hands and heart are happy to be working on a Hitchhiker again. 

I have thought about some Christmas knitting, and I usually try to knit something for the boys. They've both told me they have more than enough fingerless gloves and hats, but I have yarn that I think will work so I might knit them each a pair of Hot Waffle mitts. I was ready to cast on, but I couldn't find any of my size 5 double points for some reason. John said he didn't take them, so I ordered another set. I'm sure I'll find the bag with my other size 5 dpns when the set I ordered is delivered. 

I finished one book, read a strange short story, and started an entertaining fantasy. I had hopes that How to Know a Person by David Brooks might give me some useful information on how to better speak with family members and others whose political views are different from mine. I haven't read any of the other books that David Brooks has authored, but I've read his pieces in multiple outlets and have always thought of him as a well-reasoned intellectual, even while I've disagreed with some of his politics. How to Know a Person reads like a slightly highbrow self-help book, but it still has many of the same issues that pop psychology often suffers from. Brooks provides some personal anecdotes and the writing seems heartfelt, but there is also a lot of theory and research. That is necessary to support arguments, but it seemed to be fragments chosen randomly. I had hoped that this book might provide more guidance on how to help heal political divisions between people. There is a lot of common sense here, but much of Brooks' advice seems abstract and superficial, with no real solutions on how to resolve deep divisions. This one was three stars for me.

I saw that Margaret Atwood had a short story on Prime Reading entitled My Evil Mother so I gave it a try. This was just too weird for me, so it was only two stars. 

Much to my own surprise, I started Fourth Wing. It was on sale at Audible so I couldn't resist some entertainment. I'm not much of a fantasy reader, but this is part romance and part fantasy, with dragons and lots of action and entertainment. It's a fun ride so far!

What are you making and reading this week? 


  1. Sometimes you just want a little FUN reading, right?! Sounds like Fourth Wing would be a nice accompaniment to Hitchhiker knitting. (SUCH pretty yarn, BTW.)
    Have you heard of the book I Never Thought of it That Way by Monica Guzman? She writes (in a really enjoyable way) about just the challenges you describe, re: families + conversation + political difference. I could go on and on about it (and I have, I have!) -- but I won't here :) I do highly recommend checking it out, though. I found it very worthwhile. (And she's someone you just want to know and love and listen to A LOT.)

    1. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Fourth Wing is better than I expected, and is providing a perfect accompaniment to Hitchhiker knitting.

      I had not heard about the Monica Guzman book but I will certainly look for it. I love my extended family but not their political views. I wish I could simply understand their thought processes and maybe share mine but discussions quickly turn into fights. It's going to be a long year leading up to Nov. 2024, so I hope this book might help me!

  2. That yarn is the perfect compliment to your adorable Christmas Cactus! And there is nothing like the joy of Hitchhiker knitting! (And I lost all respect for Mr. Brooks with his "cost of food" debacle in the Newark airport some months ago. He tried to convince everyone a burger and fries were almost $80... neglecting to say that included a couple of high priced glasses of whiskey)

  3. I think winter is the perfect time for some "fun" reading! I'm thinking Fourth Wing sounds perfect for the season. :-) And I LOVE your newest Hitchhiker, Bonny. It reminds me of Funfetti Cake, which reminds me of my Erin . . . and that's always a good thing. XO

  4. It's finally cold enough here to get to dig out my Hitchhikers and other neck thingys. That's a pretty one you've got on the needles. Speaking of needles...what is it about not being able to ever find the ones you need no matter how many you own? I've got a ridiculous amount of them here but I can never find the ones I need. It's a mystery.

    1. It got really cold here in NJ, so warm handknits feel quite nice. Maybe missing needles end up in the same place as lone socks lost in the washing machine.

  5. The colors of your new Hitchhiker are so pretty and will really brighten up a dark winter day!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! (I'm awfully tempted to bake a Funfetti cake.)

  6. At first, I didn't even notice the shawl in progress because I was so focused on the yarn in your Christmas cactus! I know that a Hitchhiker is very much your happy place, so I expect we will see a finished one soon.

    I know next to nothing about Fourth Wing other than everyone seems to be reading it. Sounds like it might be a fun change from heavier stuff!

  7. What a gorgeous new Hitchhiker Bonny!! It is like a funfetti cake and it goes so well with your Christmas Cactus (and I wish mine would even show buds...). The Hot Waffle Mitts look like they could be a fun knit. I've decided to cast on a hat for someone (maybe Mailing's Mom), but I haven't done so yet! Time is running out. I'm also sorely tempted to start gifts for NEXT year and eliminate any pressure I may feel!

  8. That yarn reminds me of confetti and I love it! I'm really glad you are enjoying Fourth Wing, I thought it was very entertaining!

  9. That is going to be a BEAUTIFUL Hitchhiker.

    I am missing ONE of my size 7 dpns. Not the whole set. Just ONE. Maybe it went walk-about with your size 5s.

  10. Bonny, I read Fourth Wing and Iron Flame in record time. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. They are fun books, but I do think there is a moral center to them. Sometimes I just want a book that, like Calgon, takes me away, and these books did it for me. I ashamedly admit that I have been reading mainly for fun since my life has very little fun in it these days. Not looking for any sympathy in any way, just stating facts. As all things, I think this shall pass away, but who knows? In the meantime, I am making my own fun. ;) I hope you are doing well.

  11. My heart is also happy to know you are working on a Hitchhiker. I wore one of mine the other day and wondered why I only have two?! The yarn looks so nice placed in the middle of the Christmas cactus. Last year I bought one and was given one. Although both plants are on the smaller side they are loaded with buds. Here is hoping they bloom and don't fall off. While waiting for The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store ( I gave up and ordered one because I was so far back on all the library versions) I am reading a biography of Beatrix Potter and Walking in Wonder.

  12. edits: "so far back on waitlists for the library versions"

  13. Your cactus flowers are such a pretty pink!! I don't think I've seen that color before.

  14. I gave Fourth Wing to my fantasy- loving DIL for Christmas, then had to read it myself. I have to say it was a decent story.


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