Friday, November 24, 2023



It's important to keep up some traditions to ensure feelings of continuity and groundedness. I have a piece of birthday cake for breakfast the day after my birthday and a piece of pumpkin pie with whipped cream is my day after Thanksgiving breakfast. 

I hope your long weekend is off to a delicious and relaxing start!


  1. I have mince pie for breakfast on Christmas morning. I wish I had some pumpkin pie right now. Daughter has Celiac's and makes a gluten free version so no leftovers since I'm not a fan. Next year I have to remember to have my own pie waiting here at home AND some regular stuffing. I would have killed for some stuffing and cranberry sauce last night.

    1. If you find yourself in NJ, I have plenty of pie and stuffing (regular versions) along with lots of cranberry sauce!

  2. Yum! I highly approve of this tradition. Unfortunately all the pumpkin pie is still at my parents' house, so I will just have to eat another slice for dessert when we go to eat leftovers tonight.

  3. I think that is a tradition well worth preserving.

    On another topic ....................would you like to meet up in December or should we save it until after New Year?

  4. I can't think of a better breakfast on the day after Thanksgiving than a piece of pie and a cup of coffee!

    1. I had my pie with a nice cup of tea but it tasted just as good as it would have with coffee! :-)

  5. Yummmm! I had leftover stuffing for breakfast and pumpkin pie for lunch!

  6. Here's to keeping delicious traditions!

  7. The thing that might be the best about Thanksgiving is the leftovers! (and YES to pie for breakfast!)

  8. Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving!!


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