Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Hi, Ho, Hitchhiker!

Today's hitchhiker is probably the one I wear most often. I bought the yarn for Happy Times With Ryan with Ryan at The Loopy Ewe during one of my first visits there. I loved the yarn, the colorway name (Happy Times!), and knew it was going to become a hitchhiker as soon as I bought it.

I wound the yarn in the Denver airport while sitting next to a cowboy who was fascinated by the process, cast on, and knit all the way home on the plane. I knit this one with 54 teeth and an 80" wingspan, yet another reason that it's one of my favorites.

When I was done knitting and taking photos for ravelry, I was on my way outside for some more natural light and walked past a bowl of Skittles. It dawned on me that the Skittles matched really well, so I grabbed a handful and used them in the photos. The dyer (Rhichard Devrieze) liked the Skittles photo and messaged me, so I was glad I got a chance to tell him how much I loved this amazing colorway.

The colors go with much of what I wear, so I've worn it at least four times in the past two weeks - to two funerals, dinner with John's boss, and a prospective book club meeting. That last one didn't go well, but that was because of a mismatch in reading taste, and probably not my hitchhiker.


  1. At first I thought the Skittles were little pompoms! It definitely is very cheerful and I can see why you love wearing it so much.

  2. I love everything about this post! You are the Queen of the Hitchhiker, Bonny - and that one might be my favorite!

  3. I love this Hitchhiker! No wonder it is your favorite. It is versatile, colorful, reminds you of good times, and the colors really are happy. That photo with the skittles is very clever, Bonny! I'm sorry the book club didn't work out. I have not been able to find one either, and I would really like to. I don't think I like my reading choices dictated by other people, so that may be part of the problem.

  4. I remember that Skittles photo well - I thought they were pom poms (and I still sort of wish they were!) That's a great Hitchhiker. Bummer about the Book Club but at least you found out early in the process.

  5. You certainly know how to get Skittles to behave well as perfect props! The colorway is perfect for Hitchhiker and that wingspan is certainly gives it a boost over any other neck wrap! Good work, Bonny, right from beginning to end!

  6. LOVE this one. I HAVE to start mine tonight. Great shot with the skittles (and then, I would have had to eat them all) - and cool that the dyer saw it too. The yarn is gorgeous. Sorry about the book club, but as Carole said, at least you found out early in the process.

  7. I love the colors...and the Skittles too! It is beautiful and I hope you enjoy wearing it!

    1. Thank you, Debbie! I know it's completely ridiculous, but I often feel safe, protected, and maybe even a little more powerful when I wear it!

  8. Perfection! (I love the Skittles shot so much.) (Although not a real fan of Skittles myself. . . ) You are so wise to Just Say No to the book group at this stage. I am in a book group that vexes me constantly. I always hate the books they choose, and they always hate the books I choose. But I love the women, so I carry on (although I rarely read the books now . . . ) (There is always wine. . . ) XO

  9. That's fantastic, Bonny!! That Skittles shot also made me think of pom poms! Gorgeous, bright colors (just what is needed right now).

  10. Everything you write and show wants me to knit a hitchhiker - I vaguely remember that there is one somewhere, in my house.
    Book clubs - I haven't found one yet which probably is due to my rural location, though I keep looking at my library's clubs (30miles away!)and wish for a compromise-able timing.
    anonymously, Annette at the library

  11. Hi Bonny! You're looking good and yes, that hitchhiker too!! And hahaha...that book group sounds like the one knitting group I was in...it didn't last long!

  12. beautiful array of shawls!! I do love how you photo them and wear them. I like how some shawls are 'easy' to wear and pair with outfits as well.

  13. I love that color combo on you! The Skittles wouldn’t have made it into the photo here, I’d have eaten them first.

    1. Thank you! It's been almost five years since I knit that Hitchhiker, so I don't remember why we even had a bowl full of Skittles. Nobody here really likes them, but they did come in handy for the photo!


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