Thursday, January 31, 2019

Three on Thursday

Joining Carole and friends for Three on Thursday, today with one disappointing thing, but two big positives. 

Thing One: I got up at 5:15 am on Wednesday morning so I could take John to the train station in Newark, DE and I could have the car. I had high hopes of heading to the lys in MD for some size 15 double-pointed needles. I wanted to knit Perky Little Hat for Justin's girlfriend at Christmas, but couldn't find appropriately-sized needles anywhere. The poor girl needs a hat, but alas, I still can't find needles. I don't get up at 5:15 am for nothing, so I tried to decide what to do to make the best use of my day with a car.

Thing Two: I have wanted to try Minihane's Irish Pub in Elkton for a while, so that's where I headed. I walked in, sat myself down at the bar, and since it was a really cold and windy day, I decided that whiskey might warm me up. It did, and there are not many things more enjoyable than knitting while sipping whiskey. Who cares about size 15 dpns!

Thing Three: It turns out they also make a decent burger with good Irish cheddar, which goes quite well with whiskey. My day had turned right around, and the cowl has asked to go back again soon. You can see how sad it looks next to my empty whiskey glass. 

Bonus Thing: Minihane's is only half a mile from our house in MD, so it's an easy walk, and maybe next time I can have two glasses of whiskey and not worry about driving. I still have at least four more types of Tullamore Dew to try!

Head on over to Carole's for more Three on Thursday.


  1. Mail order for those knitting needles? That's what I would do. And hooray for finding a great pub within walking distance of your house!

  2. I agree with Carole -- save the time and the gas and order those needles online!

    A good burger and a good drink look like the perfect thing on a cold day.

  3. Yep. I was going to suggest ordering the needles online as well. (It's what I always do... because we have a particularly awful lys here in town, and I refuse to give them any of my business.) And what a great little pub! Yes, you definitely need to take the cowl back. . .

  4. I am with the cowl - you need to return there!! And, soon!

    And, good luck finding those needles!

  5. Order those DPNs online and have them sent to the pub, thus making it absolutely necessary to visit again. The cowl will thank you!

    1. I did find lots of bamboo needles in 15s online, but I was really hoping for some Karbonz or something with sharp tips. Looks like I'll have to be not quite so picky and settle for bamboo if I want to knit the hat, but your suggestion to have them sent to the pub is brilliant!

  6. Nice!!!! I haven't noticed that pub when driving down to Chesapeake City, but the food (and drink) look wonderful. And Kathleen's idea is wonderful - to order the needles on line and have them delivered to the pub. LOL

    Also - thanks for the link to the hat pattern - very cute!

  7. I'd have a hard time staying away! Irish cheddar on a burger AND whiskey? That's near perfection. The cowl is the right kind of friend to have!

  8. A whiskey, burger with Irish cheddar, & fries sounds soooo good! I almost always order needles & yarn online because we do not have a lys.

    1. It was all delicious, and it's probably a good thing that it's so cold today or the cowl and I might be walking back for lunch and a whiskey again. I found lots of bamboo 15s online, but had hoped for something with sharper points. Kym suggested Webs for some birch needles, so the order has been placed!

  9. LOL, I kept thinking you were heading to the pub at 5:15 a.m. You know you're having needle woes when you're sitting in a bar knitting and taking shots of whiskey at 5:15 a.m. It does sound like a pretty good Wednesday though. :)

    And now, I'd kill for a whiskey and a burger. Thanks for putting that image into my head.

  10. What a brilliant save of a day, Bonny! I wish I had a local pub like that. That's a very cute hat. I'm sure said GF would love it. I don't have a LYS that I like at all, so I have had pretty good luck ordering Knitter's Pride needles from Amazon. They are pretty pointy when a good point is needed, and they are birch needles as well. I hope your luck in turning lemons to lemonade continues!

  11. I like the way you think! If you ever find yourself in Gettysburg again, you must try the Garryowen Irish pub. I can't remember when they opened, but it might have been after Ryan's days here.

  12. I've knit up a couple of Perky Little Hats--I love the pattern!

    Your day sounds delightful! I love a good Irish pub.

  13. What a fun post! And so glad you and the cowl ---with soon-to-be new knitting needles--- have a new watering hole! Enjoy!

  14. Could be the Best. Day. Ever. What fun. And that burger sounds absolutely delicious. Justin has a lucky girlfriend. :-)

  15. I love the date you had with yourself with a car! I enjoy eating by myself but do it rarely, I must change this.

  16. :-) I LOVE it when my knitting requests a return visit to a place I'd like to go, too! of course I'd like to think I regularly take my knitting to fun places anyway, so it doesn't have to ask!

  17. I'm glad you are back and finding your blogging voice although a break isn't a bad thing either. Sounds like you made the most of this early morning. I love the blues in the hitchhiker a post or two back) and in the sockhead cowls. You and your knitting have good taste.


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