Friday, June 10, 2016

Flowers on Friday

Before I left on vacation, I found an amaryllis that I had forgotten about in the root cellar. It had some leaves and even a few flower buds, so I added fresh soil, watered it, set it outside, and left it to its own devices. When I got home, I was surprised to see five flowers. We had some thunderstorms and high winds so the plant was knocked over and the blooms a bit bedraggled, but I cut off the best ones and stuck them in a vase with a matching rose to enjoy. Amaryllis in June!

I had lots of weeding, pruning, and deadheading to do after ignoring things for almost two weeks, but I was also rewarded with this really beautiful red rose from my time in the garden.

I hope things are in bloom where you are and you enjoy a lovely weekend!


  1. How cool to see an amaryllis in June! happy blooming weekend, Bonny!

  2. Oh, Bonny! How fun! And that rose is just SPLENDID! Enjoy the weekend!

  3. It's such a beautiful time of year! Beautiful flowers. I've never grown roses...

  4. Beautiful blooms, Bonny! Wow!! Have a fantastic weekend! XO

  5. I've never grown roses either. Just Doug's grandmother's fence crawler that is stunning and always blooms on her birthday. The original plant we took it from is probably more than 100 years old as my M-I-L is 91! Have a nice weekend Bonny!

  6. This is the time of year you can drive around the streets of SLC and see roses everywhere! Red Butte garden has a whole garden dedicated to the amazing rose. I don't know that I've seen one as red and glorious as yours, however.

  7. I never heard of amaryllis blooming in the summer - what a treat! Daylillies and plumbago are blooming in my mom's yard. Lovely pops of color... and a nice reminder to take a photo or two. Happy Weekend!

  8. Wow! amaryllis is beautiful!

    We have two rose bushes in our yard...but they have not been doing too well lately!

    Linda in VA

  9. I had roses at my old house but not at this house....I do love them!


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