Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Let the Fun Begin!

I don't have a nice alliterative name for "Potholder Tuesday" but my loom and loops have arrived and I am ready for some potholder weaving fun.

Harrisville Designs says "Discover the joy of potholder weaving," and any extra joy we can discover is wonderful. Big thanks to Janelle, Becky, Carole, and anyone else who encouraged me last week in my pursuit of potholder joy!


  1. That's nice... a loom and yarn like that. Reminds me of my childhood, we used to do this a lot.
    And later I even did a one-week course on the large handloom. That was great... and with instructions I made a great tablecloth.
    However, for home use, a small loom is a better solution... I hope you enjoy weaving. I'm already looking forward to your works.
    Many greetings go to you from Viola.

    1. I couldn't wait so I wove my first potholder last night, but haven't taken it off the loom yet. I wanted to take a look at it in morning light to make sure it was a pleasing color combination. It is fun and only took me an hour or so.

  2. Oh, that takes me back to my childhood! I think you'll have a ton of fun, and I can't wait to see your color choices.

  3. Much better than crocheted potholders IMO. I'm assuming you've discovered the design tool on the Harrisville website where you can plug in different colorways? Lots of fun to be had there.

  4. Like so many others, this reminds me of my childhood - hours spent weaving potholders. I bet you have fun with this and it's a much better choice than crocheting!

  5. I love sitting down and making potholders on my little loom. So quick compared to knitting . . . and there are so many fun design ideas out there, too. (Which I've never actually tried. I usually just do my own thing. But they are great inspirations!) I think you'll be really pleased with the results, Bonny. The potholders will last forever!!!

  6. Well, I am certainly glad that you found it fun. I hope you continue to find it fun, and I know Ryan will appreciate the potholders.

  7. Ooo! What fun, Bonny! What fun!

  8. How exciting! The Mister is my resident potholder maker. I bought him a kit like that years ago from Harrisville and he's kept me very well supplied. They are the best. I use them for everything and the colors stay nice and bright in spite of multiple washings.

    1. My husband wondered a bit about why I was so excited when I opened the box yesterday and so far he hasn't expressed any desire to weave a potholder himself. That's fine with me; I'm not ready to share my loom until I make a few dozen more potholders!

  9. I remember making these when I was a girl on a smaller loom for children. My sister has that same kit and made potholders for Christmas gifts last year. They are the best potholders !

    1. I have woven one so far but haven't yet taken it off the loom. It is lots of fun and I think everyone will get potholders from me for Christmas, too!

  10. Squee! I hope you are having a blissful day exploring your new toy! Someone else mentioned the Potholder Design Wizard which is fun: https://friendlyloom.com/pages/potholder-design-wizard And of course, Piglet's site is a real rabbit hole: https://potholders.piglet.org/

  11. Fun! I want to get one of these for my great niece eventually. I may have to get one and see if she says anything if she sees me working on it.

    1. I really am having fun with it, and I bet you and your niece would, too.

  12. Yay! That was fast shipping, I hope you're having fun making potholders!


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