
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

How It's Going

I posted this list back in mid-January and since we're now into March, I thought I'd check it and see how I'm doing.

21 Things I Want To Do in 2021:

1.   Bake cinnamon-sugar doughnuts - Done and they were pretty good.
2.   Make jelly donuts - Done and they were not very good at all. 
3.   Finish 4 wips - In progress. I've finished two and am working on a third.
4.   Make 4 new dinner (entree) recipes  - In progress. I've made salmon and pasta with shrimp; both were good. 
5.   Read a graphic novel
6.   Complete 20 yoga sessions
7.   Meditate daily - Still going
8.   Read The Portrait of Dorian Gray with Ryan
9.   Read The Mill on the Floss
10. Write a card/letter to all relatives - In progress. I'm trying to write something personal and original in each letter, but I'm running out of steam on this one.
11.  Make at least 3 Christmas gifts
12. Make at least 3 Christmas ornaments
13. Crochet at least 3 snowflakes
14. List the rest of the Dept 56 houses for sale - Done. There were only 10 or twelve, but they're all gone now and my Christmas decorations are pared down.
15. Breed flowers in Animal Crossing (green mums) - Done. (See photos.)
16. Bake cinnamon raisin bread
17. Bake scones
18. Make Swedish meatballs
19. Try three new kinds of tea - I tried five or six different kinds from Plum Deluxe thanks to Sarah's link. I've found a new favorite chai and will continue to try more new types.
20. Clean out the cedar chest - Done. I got rid of things, rearranged things, and generally improved the situation.
21. Read a fantasy series with at least three books
22. Swap one item on this list for something I'd rather do

Completing six items with four in progress is enough to make me feel like I'm moving forward. I'll check back in a couple of months to let you know how things stand then (and if I've had to resort to using #22 yet). 

Hope your Tuesday is off to a good start!


  1. Look at all those green chrysanthemums! Go you! And great progress on other things on your list, too. I'm going to check in with my list quarterly so I'll be posting about it at the end of the month.

  2. I'd say you are doing a great job and making progress on ALL fronts. Seeing your list reminds me (not that I have a list) that I need/want/have to clean our the drawer in the kitchen that holds: spoon rests, corkscrews, measuring cups and spoons, rolling pins, pizza cutters, chopsticks, etc., etc. Maybe today?

  3. It's always good to check on our goals to see if we are making progress. I need to do this as well. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. You're doing really well! I'd love to know what your favorite chai is from Plum Deluxe. I'm about ready to place an order and am always happy to hear recommendations.

  5. It's only the first of March! I think you are on track to finish your list ahead of time. I have been making progress cleaning out closets and drawers and giving it to charity. It feels great. I feel a bit unburdened, if that makes sense. I have lots more to do, but I think I may be able to stay on track. Have you thought about which fantasy series you are going to read?

  6. I'm tickled to see you standing among all those flowers! and also curious about the new favorite chai from Plum Deluxe. I am enjoying their Gingerbread Chai ... is there another one I should try? (and if you're looking for fantasy recommendations, I wholeheartedly suggest VE Schwab's Darker Shade of Magic - it's a trilogy)

  7. I'm still thinking about my List for 2021!! Haha. You're doing GREAT!

  8. Go you!! Those mums look awesome! (as does the things you have checked off your list!)

  9. you are chugging along on your list, well done! I am meditating daily and the benefits are enormous.

  10. The green mums are amazing! GO, you!


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