
Monday, March 8, 2021

Sometimes Monday ...

 ... is a day for the underperformers.

I started these amaryllis bulbs a month or so ago, and was initially excited to see the appearance of green leaf shoots. I keep watching and waiting for bud stems to appear, but there is nothing so far.

I've successfully rebloomed these bulbs several times before and treated them exactly as I did before. They spent the summer outside, I stopped watering them before frost and then placed  them in my root cellar for the winter. Once I brought them out of their hibernation, I repotted and started watering them, but here I am with no flowers. I think I'll let them continue to grow, put them outdoors after the danger of frost has passed, and maybe give them some extra fertilizer when I water them. Everyone and almost every plant deserves a second chance, and I'll give these guys theirs next year. 


  1. Even without blooms, they are still pretty and graceful. I agree they deserve a second chance (not sure about my Christmas cactus though...).

  2. I am trying to 'un-die' (if there is such a word - well maybe resurrect...) two shamrock plants in our bathroom. It's not the ideal location for them but Holly eats them. I'm trying not to kill them with water love AND trying not to forget to water them. It's a slippery slope!

  3. Awwww! Yes blooms would be lovely, but those green leaves in the sunlight have a simple beauty to them.

  4. Hmm, perhaps they are just late bloomers. They're obviously alive, and even with just the leaves, they're a nice sight to see.

  5. Yes, they are worth the time and effort because if/when they do bloom again, you will be so happy! I have been thinking about trying to grow some vegetables hydroponically. I cannot grow a garden because the squirrels/moles, etc. eat everything I grow before it is ready to harvest. I hope you have a happy, hopeful Monday, Bonny.

  6. Up until this year I've grown my amaryllis bulbs in a vase with water and the experts say it's very hard to get bulbs grown that way to re-bloom. BUT this year I've got bulbs in dirt and I'm going to try to keep them and see if they will re-bloom with some TLC. I wish you luck with yours!

  7. I have a not-green thumb so cannot comment one way or another.

    1. My thumb is usually relatively green, but not with these bulbs!

  8. After mine bloomed at Christmas I have let it grow just like yours. I think it is a beautiful plant even without the blooms. Good luck with yours.

    1. They've produced lovely flowers in the past, so maybe I should just be more patient.

  9. A little fertilizer can't hurt. :)

  10. "successfully rebloomed" ... and I am ... awestruck.

  11. Your green leaves in the sunshine brighten my evening. I believe in second chances. Sometimes it is amazing what can develop from such an opportunity.


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