
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Unraveled Wednesday

I'm joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday. Another Nervous Breakdown is still in progress but I'm also working on another wip I dug out of my yarn closet.

It's a sock! I was composing a blog post in my head while I happily knit round and round. It went something like "knitting socks is just like riding a bicycle. You never forget!" But then my training wheels broke and I fell (twice!) while turning the heel and decreasing for the gusset. I ripped it out, got back on track, and now I'm cruising down the foot.

These were socks I used to take along when I took my father to radiation and doctor appointments, but I put them away after he died. It feels nice to work on them now, especially since I'm not doing it in any doctor's offices or hospitals. When Justin saw them, he asked how the Creamsockles were going, so that is what I'm calling them.

A friend dropped off some Girl Scout cookies on my porch and I opened the lemon ones. I haven't had these Lemon-Ups before and they are very good. I've eaten "I'm a go-getter" and "I'm a leader" and saved "I am creative" for the photo. Not that knitting socks is especially creative, but it feels that way after remembering how to turn a heel, pick up the gusset, and decrease the gusset stitches. I'm not even going to open the Thin Mints. 

I'm still reading Night Waking, but for a little bit of variety I started Klara and the Sun in audio format and a pre-publication copy of A Place Like Home from Netgallley on my Kindle. They are providing necessary comfort and solace after I work on taxes. (Begin rant) I officially hate the state of Delaware and their far-reaching taxation. Their state motto is "Liberty and Independence" but it should be "Give Us All of Your Money". (End of rant)

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Yikes! I was wondering about the Delaware connection and then remembered (I think) that John works in DE. So, you've got homes in NJ and MD and work in DE - good luck! My friend Carol ALWAYS bitched when she was working in DE and living in MD. Love your Creamsockles - great colors in the yarn and the perfect name for your socks. Those Thin Mint cookies are DANGEROUS!!!

  2. I laughed out loud at Creamsockles! Brilliant! (and GMTA... I started Klara yesterday!)

  3. beautiful socks and a beautiful colorway. I want girl scout cookies now :)

  4. I hope you can knit some happier associations into those Creamsockles (great name!). I'm sure eating cookies while you knit helps a lot! Kiddo and I don't typically love lemon-flavored desserts, but we really enjoy the Lemon-ups.

    I am sorry the taxes are such a headache. I would have thought Delaware would be easier because that's where companies always seem to incorporate, but I guess favorable tax policies for companies don't necessarily translate to the same for individuals.

  5. Creamsockles is the perfect name for those socks! Whenever you blog about them, I always think they look just like Creamsickles . . . which brings me such warm and happy feelings. Because I loved Creamsickles as a little girl. XO

  6. Love the Creamsockies! Name sure fits the color.

  7. Well, your memory is much better than mine, Bonny. I would have to look up the particulars if I knitted a sock these days. I love Justin's name for these socks. Maybe you should let him name a few other knitting projects. And I do love the socks as well. I have about 4 books that I need to get busy reading. I have to start The Four Winds today as it is due back in the library in about a week. I'm not sure I am up to reading about the Dust Bowl, but we shall see. Delaware? I thought you only paid taxes in MD and NJ.

  8. Creamsockles indeed - what a perfect name. I haven't seen any Girl Scout cookies this year and now that you mention it, I'm missing the Thin Mints. We are gathering tax information too, not a fun job but time to get it done.

  9. I think it's great that you feel able to pick up and finish those socks now. And like everyone else, I agree that the name is perfect!

  10. Creamsockles!! I love it. I had a moment a few weeks ago when I came home from the store with cookies (not a usual item on my list) and found some boxes of Girl Scout Cookies had been delivered... and I was completely flummoxed! I had no recollection of ordering or paying, was wracking my brain trying to recall any of my FB/IG friends whose daughters were Scouts, and even wrote a post about how perplexed I was! Turns out Maddy (former Scout and Camp Counselor) used her connections and sent them!! :) Tax prep is underway here, too. Not fun.

  11. A pair of socks in the making are a constant companion. I am a sucker for yarns of the self-striping variety. BUT, Creamsockles has me second guessing that decision. Having a pair to match my favorite summer treat would be lovely!

  12. *with all the zeal of the newly converted* socks are the BEST for being able to knit when you need to knit... which is still most of the time, right?! I am completely smitten with your Creamsicle stripes and those cookies.


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