Thursday, December 31, 2020

Hope for the New Year

It's almost midnight and I'm sitting here by myself, knitting (a Hitchhiker, of course), next to some flickering candles. It's quiet, peaceful, I'm relatively sure that my children are safe, John is upstairs snoring, and I'm just enjoying the last few minutes of a year that I will be very glad to see done and dusted. I feel a bit like I'm tiptoeing into the new year, wondering what will come next. I'm also following my grandmother's advice to begin as you mean to go on, knitting and hoping for new beginnings and fresh starts. Since 2021 hasn't had time to prove me wrong yet, I'm holding hope for many things - that there will be a peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden, that he will be able to use his wisdom, drive, and humanity to help the greatest number of people, that everyone who wants to be immunized can receive the vaccine soon, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not mutate more or significantly, that we can safely get Ryan moved back east, and that Justin likes his new job (yes, they did finally make an offer). I hope that those I love and hold dear will be able to stay safe and healthy through the coming dark days, and I hope the same for you and your loved ones.

“But you cannot control everything...All you can do is face the world with quiet grace and hope you make a sliver of difference...You must trust that you being the best possible you matters somehow...That being an attentive and generous friend and citizen will prevent a thread or two of the social fabric from unraveling.”
― Brian Doyle, One Long River of Song


  1. Happy New Year Bonny! Your hopes are my hopes too. Enjoy this first day of 2021. xoxo

  2. That quote! Wow... that is so perfect! Thank you for sharing! I too stayed up to welcome the New Year, it seemed somehow a necessary thing to do...

  3. What a lovely post, Bonny. I wish all the same things for you and yours. I hope this arbitrary new beginning that the calendar dictates will be a real new beginning for all of us in many ways. We are all so ready for things to begin to look different! Happy New Year! And thanks for helping me keep connected to the outside world this year during my extreme isolation. It was much appreciated, and it is a perfect example of someone making more than a "sliver of difference".

  4. Love Brian Doyle, thank you for sharing a quote from him. I hope all of your New Year's wishes come true!

  5. Happy New Year, Bonny! May all your wishes for the new year take root and blossom. And thank you for making a "sliver of difference" in my life. XO

  6. Thanks for the New Years post Bonny. You've articulated my hopes as well. May prosperity and good health find you and all of your family this year and stay with them for years to come.

    1. I picture all of us hoping for the same things, and I also hope that all of those hopes (along with a new administration and vaccines) will be a powerful force.

  7. Lovely quote, lovely post, lovely hopes. I was going to stay up...but caved at 9:30!!! And, ended up sleeping almost 11 hours. Guess I really was tired! Happy New Year! My black eyed peas are in the crock pot and I plan to cast on a new project today!

  8. That quote encapsulates so well what I've learned in the past year. There really isn't a lot I can do to make this world a better place as just one person, but I can certainly make a small difference to my little corner of the world, and it's a start.

    I am thrilled about Justin's new job and am keeping my fingers crossed that Ryan's move back East can happen soon. Here's to a new administration, more vaccination, and better days ahead. Happy new year, Bonny!

  9. I was in bed by 9 pm -- late for me! I had to watch a few episode of The Office before it left Netflix at midnight.

    1. Oh, no! I haven't been paying attention or I would have been watching episodes of The Office last night!

  10. Happy 2021! Many thanks for sharing your calming and inviting entrance to the new year. I do so "hope" 2021 exceeds our hopes... The best to Justin in his new job and hopeful that Ryan gets closer to home.

  11. BOnny, what a beautiful Post. I wanted to thank my regular blog reading pals for all the support you give, without asking, all year. Thank you for blogging. I had some tears fall last night as fireman and I danced to auld lange. ..I so want to see my son soon

  12. Happy New YEar to you and your family, there is so much Hope, it is going to start in just 19 days!

  13. Happy New Year. I love the picture of you sitting quietly with your knitting (a hitchhiker of course) and tiptoeing out of one year and into the next. Congratulations to Justin on the new job. What a lovely quote. Take good care.

  14. Happy and healthy 2021. My prayers and hopes for the year ahead echo yours and I'm grateful to have found you in Blogland.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind sentiments! I'm happy to begin the New Year with lovely compliments!

  15. Happy New Year, Bonny! I am sending good thoughts to you on the first few days of this year that your hopes come to fruition. I know they will (where there is will..!).
    Brian Doyle's book was full of grace and insight. I am not a religious person, but many of his stories brought joy.


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