Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday, with an interesting observation. It's amazing how you can make visible progress when you actually knit on projects every day!

I've completed blue, purple, pink, and orange stripes. I like the first three but I'm unsure about the orange. I'm going to get an expert opinion from my color consultant (Ryan) about whether to keep the orange, and I also need to ask his opinion about another possible color. 

Some days I knit for a few hours, and other days it's only a couple rows, but I'm really enjoying #the100dayproject  and #100daysof hitchhikers. Knitting these stripes has been something I could actually control, and it's also calming, meditative, and good for my soul. 

There will be a few ends to weave in when I'm done, but I'm going to make sure I'm keeping the stripes before I start weaving any ends. The end of this one is in sight, and then on to the next Hitchhiker! 

I started reading Afterlife by Julia Alvarez, but haven't progressed beyond the first couple of chapters. It's me and my lack of reading focus, not the book, but I'm sure I'll read more at some point. (Maybe when I'm done with Hitchhikers!)

What are you making, reading, and/or doing to get through this week?


  1. I like all your stripes, and I think cobalt blue would be nice for your next one. Just thinking out loud, it is, of course, up to your color consultant and you! I have been reading a lot, but not knitting. I'm glad you have found something that matches your need for focus and peace. Knit on, Bonny!

  2. I like the colors! Of course, your color consultant needs to be happy, but I think they're great. I think many of us are experiencing that difficulty focusing -- I guess everyone is getting a taste of what it's like to have generalized anxiety!

  3. Wow Bonny! I love all your stripes. I'll confess that when you first talked about doing stripes and showed the colors, I wasn't really sure, but it looks fantastic (the orange too, in my opinion). I can see how just completing the rows for one color would be so satisfying. Great job!

  4. I am chiming in with the chorus with my love of ALL THE COLORS! I will be interested to see what Ryan thinks of them! (and I do love how something as simple a a few rows of color does wonders for the mind!)

  5. I like all the colors -- and the orange is great to balance the blue (being its complement, of course). :-)
    I think this is a perfect time to experiment with stripes -- because it gives us something to look forward to. And we can all use that right now. XO

  6. what a cheerful delightful knitting project, I'm glad you are having fun and we are having fun watching you. I love the colors!!!

  7. I love all the colors, especially the orange! Go you on the daily knitting!

  8. Me too! Me too! (Jumping up and down...) I think the colors are happy and will be a very positive fashion statement!

  9. Those colors! Holy cow, that it going to be one happy-making smile-inducing Hitchhiker!! I love it!

  10. I think those colors are brilliant. still, I respect Ryan's color sense and can't wait to see/read the verdict! Daily crochet kicked my behind yesterday, but I caught up today ... and I'm still loving the project enough to be contemplating another (but I'm promising myself I won't buy the yarn until I finish this one. or come really close to finishing ;-)

  11. Aww Look at you GO!!! Beautiful!

    I am finally getting my Fire 7 with echo this week ! I won it at an online auction and they are finally having it delivered. I can't wait to use it! I love non fiction...soooo

  12. I love those bright stripes in the hitchhiker. They add so much pizazz to the hitchhiker. I'll be interested to hear Ryan's opinion on the orange stripe. Although I've learned (more than once) the lesson about how knitting on something means it gets finished, it always takes me by surprise. I have a gray sweater on the needles and I pulled out some scraps for a smaller project - to be decided. We did drive out to a lake and take a walk. Sometimes I just have to get outdoors.

  13. I have been on a stripy sock kick knitting one pair after another. Stripes are so entertaining! I like all your colors!


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