Friday, December 6, 2019

Sky Watcher

Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. (Here's an explanation.)

Hope your weekend is full of clear skies!


  1. It might be a warning, but it sure is pretty!

  2. Wow, that is a gorgeous photo, Bonny! Have a good weekend!

  3. We had a red sky here this morning!

  4. Beautiful! We had a spectacular sky this morning too! Here's to a spectacular weekend!

  5. I think sunsets and sunrises are particularly beautiful at this time of year. That is one gorgeous photograph!

  6. wow! a brilliant shade of rosy red. It's gloomy over here...I wonder if we will get some snow, and hopefully not rain.

  7. Red sky at night, sailor's delight! I will have to go read the article for the explanation to see if it is accurate. I hope you have a wonderful Friday and a restful weekend, Bonny.

  8. Beautiful . Yesterday, the morning of my fathers funeral, the sky was brilliant at sunrise and sunset. We saw a sundog in the sky on the way home. We are tired. But seeing sunrise and sunset on HIS day of burial was very sweet.

    1. I am glad that you got to see a brilliant sunrise and sunset, along with a rare sundog. Funerals are always stressful, but at least nature helped by sharing some of its beauty.

  9. I love red skies anytime. Even in the morning, when they come with a warning. XO

  10. LOVE this photo! I wish we could see the sky and its red warming. We are fogged and smogged in! It's time for the dreaded inversion. ugh

  11. Lovely, Bonnie- and I hope that warning was unnecessary!

  12. Interesting bit about the red sky and the weather. The photo is beautiful.


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